Today's question: I’ve heard more than once that Yukon needs more electricity. Does this mean we’re actually running out?
Thanks for the question. The short answer is no. We are running out of renewable hydro power, but we have the ability to generate lots of power if we use all our backup diesel generators. The question is do we want to rely increasingly on diesel to meet the growing demand for power?
Yukoners have told us repeatedly through workshops, meetings, an energy charrette, online, in surveys and even on the street, that they do not want us to burn any more diesel than necessary.
We have spent a great deal of time and effort over the last few years completing projects such as Mayo B and the Aishihik third turbine. These initiatives have allowed us to enhance our existing hydro facilities, essentially squeezing as much electricity as possible from them, without having to resort to building new hydro projects.
We have also devoted a lot of attention to looking for new alternative energy sources such as wind, biomass and geothermal.
Doing the homework to find these new sources of electricity costs money. One of the reasons we felt it was necessary to ask for a rate increase was to help us continue the search for new sustainable power.
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