Saving Energy

We work hard to set an example for all Yukoners by using electricity as effectively as possible in our operations. We are also a strong promoter of conservation and efficiency amongst our customers. Here are some of our initiatives aimed at saving energy.

Peak Smart

Peak power demand happens on cold winter mornings and evenings when Yukoners crank up their electricity use, all at the same time. It’s during these times that Yukon Energy uses more liquefied natural gas and diesel to generate power. Help us shift peak demand by signing up for Peak Smart Home! Visit this page for more information and to sign up.

Walking the Talk

While we encourage all Yukoners to conserve electricity where possible, it's important that we take our own advice. As a result of a series of energy audits that we did at our facilities, we have haven taken significant steps to increase the energy efficiency of our buildings through lighting retrofits. These include:

  • replacing old outdoor lighting at our main administration building, our electricians' offices, and around our Whitehose storage yard with new, much more efficient LED lighting;
  • carrying out indoor lighting retrofits in our two Whitehorse hydro plants, our Whitehorse storage warehouse and the Dawson City diesel plant. 

LED Street light Program

We have replaced all our old street lights with energy efficient Light Emitting Diode (LED) lights. We have changed out the street lights in Dawson City and Mayo, and we will soon install LED street lights in the rest of our service areas, including Faro, Champagne and Mendenhall. Switching to LED street lights will mean lower power bills for those rural communities we serve and is a better choice for the environment.