Reading Your Bill

Starting December 1, 2024, ATCO Electric Yukon and Yukon Energy are simplifying the format of customer electricity bills to make them easier to understand. The Base Rate Components of your bill (customer charge and energy charge) will include Rider R (ATCO Electric Yukon’s Rate Adjustment Rider) and Rider J (Yukon Energy’s Revenue Shortfall Rider). These changes do not impact the overall amount of your electricity bill.

If you look at the new bill format (see below), Rider R and Rider J no longer appear. In residential bills, they have been rolled into the Customer Charge and the Energy Charge line items. This means these line items will be higher than what they would have been before December 1, 2024. In commercial bills, the riders are now included in the Demand/Capacity Charge and Energy Charge.

These changes have been directed by the Yukon Utilities Board to simplify the reading of your bill. 

Residential Bill

Sample Bill Number 1 Statement account: Your account number. Number 2 Reading/codes: Your meter readings that indicate how much energy you used during the billing period. Number 3 "A" indicates the actual meter reading. Number 4 "E" indicates a reading has been estimated. Number 5 Cycle: The cycle each month that the meter is read on. Number 6 Energy used: The amount of electricity you used during the billing period. Number 7 Consumption by billing cycle: This chart shows how much electricity you have used each month over the past year. The month is represented by the letter below it (ex. "O" is October). Number 8 This amount indicates if you have an unpaid balance from your last statement. Number 9 Customer charge: Covers a portion of the costs of facilities like power lines and generating stations. Appears on your bill whether or not you use any electricity. As of December 1, 2024 it will also include part of ATCO's Rate Adjustment Rider and YEC Revenue Shortfall Rider. These riders collect/refund the difference between AEY's and YEC's base rates and revenue requirement, as approved by the Yukon Utilities Board. Number 10 Energy Charge: This is the basic per kilowatt hour cost of the electricity used during the period covered by this bill. As of December 1, 2024, this charge will also include a portion of the AEY and YEC Rate Adjustment Riders. Number 11 AEY Temporary Rate Adjustment: This is a temporary rider which collects/refunds the difference between AEY's interim and final rates as approved by the Yukon Utilities Board. Number 12 Fuel adjustment rider: Represents the difference between the actual costs YEC/ATCO has paid for diesel and LNG compared to costs they expected to pay. Number 13 YEC low water reserve fund (LWRF) rider: This collects/refunds YEC's thermal generation cost differences from forecast due to changes in water availability. Number 14 YEC temporary rate true up: This is a temporary rider which collects/refunds the difference between YEC's interim and final approved rates as approved by the Yukon Utilities Board. Number 15 Yukon Interim Electrical Rebate: A Yukon government rebate based on the amount of electricity used during that pay period. Only applies to residential non-government accounts on the first 1000 kWh of electricity used. Number 16 Business customers will see a different line item on their bill called Demand/Capacity Charge. This charge is applied to all business accounts and is based on the highest demand for power the business had in that last 12 months.

FAQs related to the bill format effective December 1, 2024

What is changing with the bills?

Beginning with December 2024 billing, customers will no longer see these line items: 



The charges for these two riders will be included in the Base Rate Components (Customer Charge, Demand Charge and Energy Charge) of the bill instead of being displayed separately. 

What are Riders?

Rate riders are temporary charges or credits set by the Yukon Utilities Board. They help account for changes between interim and final rates. Riders exist for various reasons and periods of time.

Are Riders R and J still in effect?

While rate Rider R and Rider J will no longer appear on customer bills, they are still in effect as approved by the Yukon Utilities Board. Riders R and J revenue collections will still be tracked separately, and necessary transfers between the Utilities will continue.

Why have the utilities made this change?

The utilities were directed to make this change to customers’ bills in Board Order 2023-08. The Board directed the Utilities to reduce line items on the bill to address potential customer confusion and simplify electricity billing statements.

Commercial Bill

Here's a sample Yukon Energy commercial customer bill. Roll over any of the circled numbers below for an explanation of what each item refers to.

Sample Bill Number 1 Statement account: Your account number. Number 2 Reading/codes: Your meter readings that indicate how much energy you used during the billing period. Number 3 "A" indicates the actual meter reading. Number 4 Demand/Capacity Charge: Based on the highest demand for power reacted during a month or the highest measured demand for power reached between October and March the previous year. Number 5 Cycle: The cycle each month that the meter is read on. Number 6 Energy used: The amount of electricity you used during the billing period. Number 7 Consumption by billing cycle: This chart shows how much electricity you have used each month over the past year. The month is represented by the letter below it (ex. "O" is October). Number 8 This amount indicates if you have an unpaid balance from your last statement. Number 9 Demand/Capacity Charge: Based on the highest demand for power reacted during a month or the highest measured demand for power reached between October and March the previous year. Number 10 Energy Charge: Cost of the electricity you’ve used based on electricity rates approved in 2011. Number 11 Fuel Adjustment Rider: Represents the difference between the actual costs YEC/ATCO has paid for diesel and LNG compared to costs they expected to pay. Number 12 YEC 2017/2018 True-Up: A result of the delay in Yukon Utilities Board’s approval for the 2019 rate increase. Recovers the Yukon Energy rate increase approved for 2017, 2018 and most of 2019. Charged as a % of your Energy Charge and Customer Charge. Will appear on bills until November 30, 2021. Number 13 YECL Rate Adjustment Rider: Reflects ATCO Electric Yukon’s rate increase approved in 2017. Charged as a % of your Energy Charge and Customer Charge. Number 14 Yukon Revenue Shortfall: Reflects Yukon Energy’s rate increases approved in 2013 and 2019. Charged as a % of your Energy Charge and Customer Charge.