Paying Your Bill

If you are a Yukon Energy customer who has a question about your bill, please phone our customer service team at (867) 993-5565.

What are my options for paying my bill?

Yukon Energy customers can pay electricity bills the following ways:

  • Through MyAccount
  • Online banking
  • Telephone banking
  • In person at Yukon Energy's Dawson City and Whitehorse offices, or at the local banks. 
  • By Canada Post
  • Pre-authorized Payment Plan: the payment comes out of your chequing account each month on the day the payment is due. You will still get a bill, but the bill will state “do not pay – automatic withdrawal”. Credit cards can now be used for pre-authorized payments. Please call us at (867) 993-5565 or 1-877-712-3375 to set it up.

We accept cash, cheques, debit, VISA or Mastercard.