At Yukon Energy we recognize and acknowledge that we live and work on the traditional territories of 14 Yukon First Nations. We are committed to supporting Yukon First Nations by:
- Educating Yukon Energy staff. We want everyone at Yukon Energy to gain a better understanding of First Nations culture in order to foster collaborative relationships. We are acting on this principle by having all employees and all Board members complete the Yukon First Nations training 101 program at Yukon College by the end of this year.
- Building mutually-beneficial and respectful relationships. We recognize First Nations as potential energy proponents, partners and investors. We will work proactively and collaboratively to forge partnerships and create opportunities for investment, contracting, employment and training. First Nations participation in assessments, permitting and approval stages is critical to the success of any new project.
- Procuring First Nations services where we can. We are working proactively to include First Nations suppliers and contractors in our projects through our processes, principles and methods for contracting and job tendering.
- Recognizing First Nations' relationship to the land. We understand that the nature of that connection is that of a relationship and will work together to monitor our activities and to understand the impacts on the land and water. Then we will collaborate to mitigate the impact of our operations on the land and traditional land uses.
- Supporting local First Nations initiatives. These include events and projects that celebrate culture, heritage, contributions, and language in our communities.
- Involving youth. We believe in the power of youth and want to encourage and foster their development in schools and in our work. One practical way we do that is through scholarship programs that First Nation students can apply to.