2023-24 General Rate Application

Supporting necessary investments in the Yukon's electricity system

Our 2023-24 General Rate Application

We have filed our 2023-2024 General Rate Application (GRA) with the Yukon Utilities Board. 

Yukon Energy’s GRA represented forecasted cost increases from December 31, 2021, through December 31, 2024. The increases are needed so that we can make the investments required to reinforce the backbone of the Yukon’s existing electricity system. At the same time, the increases will also allow us to advance projects that will secure the supply of sustainable and reliable electricity in the territory, and programs that will help Yukoners take an active role in shifting peak demand for power. 

Date of rate adjustment Utility Rate increase Bill impact (residential customers using 1,000 kWh/month)
January 1, 2024 ATCO Rider R - 2.5% 0.3% increase
YEC Rider J - 10%
YEC/ATCO Rider F (fuel) reduced to 0
August 1, 2024 YEC Rider J - 3.01% 0% increase
YEC Rider J1 - 3.01% reduction
September 1, 2024 YEC Rider J - 7.55% 10.5% increase
YEC Rider J1 - 9.45%

November 1, 2024

YEC (with ATCO for Rider F) Rider E and Rider F - 1.7% reduction 1.7% decrease

October 2024 update:

Yukoners may notice that electricity bills are higher, as Yukon Energy's rate increase, approved by the Yukon Utilities Board, took effect on October 1, 2024. As a result, average residential bills will be about 10.5% higher than bills in September 2024, assuming all other factors, such as power usage, remain equal month over month.

Recognizing that winter is approaching - when Yukoners tend to use more electricity and see higher bills - Yukon Energy, together with ATCO, successfully applied to the Yukon Utilities Board for fuel rebates for customers. This will result in a 1.7% reduction in typical residential bills over the winter months, effective November 1, 2024.

Why does Yukon Energy need a rate increase?

The four main drivers of the rate increase are:

1. Growing demands for electricity.

The Yukon is the fastest growing province or territory in Canada. At the same time, more Yukoners are turning to electric heat and transportation than ever before. The Yukon’s peak demand for electricity has increased by 23% in the last five years and this trend is expected to continue with an additional 36% increase in non-industrial peak load forecasted by 2030.

2. Maintaining and upgrading the Yukon’s electricity system.

Built primarily in the 1950s and 60s, we must continue to maintain and upgrade the Yukon’s existing electricity system. At the same time, water licences for each of the Corporation’s three hydro facilities, which supply Yukoners with more than 90% renewable electricity each year on average, need to be renewed within the next five years.

3. Supporting the energy transition.

The way Yukoners both consume and produce electricity is rapidly changing. The increased use of electric heat and vehicles, rooftop solar panels and distributed sources of solar and wind energy require investments to increase the capacity of the Yukon’s generation, transmission, distribution, and storage resources. Investments in new technologies and demand-side management programs are also needed to bolster reliability and resiliency of the Yukon grid.

4. Rising costs of material and labour.

Like other sectors in the Yukon, Yukon Energy is faced with higher costs of doing business, which stem from rising inflation, increased labour costs, and supply chain delays and constraints. More resources are also needed to direct, plan, execute and oversee the growing number of complex projects we are undertaking.

More information

General Rate Applications are a public process to ensure rates are fair and justified. The Yukon Utilities Board must approve any changes to rates before they are implemented. Our application is available below and at yukonutilitiesboard.yk.ca.

Process Step Date
Application filed by YEC August 31, 2023
Interveners register with the Board September 22, 2023
YEC workshop October 11, 2023
Information Requests (IRs) to YEC November 1, 2023
IR responses from YEC November 29, 2023
Oral public hearing March 4 to 7, 2024
Final and reply arguments March 22 and March 29, 2024

The latest Board Orders from the Yukon Utilities Board are available here.