Established in 1987, Yukon Energy is a publicly owned electrical utility that operates as a business, at arms length from the Yukon government. We are the main generator and transmitter of electrical energy in Yukon. We work with our parent company, Yukon Development Corporation, to provide Yukoners with reliable electricity.
There are more than 23,000 electricity consumers in the territory. Yukon Energy directly serves over 2,300 of these customers, most of whom live in and around Dawson City, Mayo and Faro. Indirectly, we provide power to most other Yukon communities through ATCO Electric Yukon. ATCO buys wholesale power from us and sells it to retail customers in the territory.
Based on a 25-year average, over 90% of the electricity we produce is renewable, coming from our Whitehorse, Aishihik, and Mayo hydropower facilities. We also use LNG and diesel to ensure dependable electricity is available in the winter, during emergencies and when renewable sources of electricity are not available.
Our headquarters are located at the Whitehorse Rapids Generating Station in Whitehorse, with a community office in Dawson City.
We acknowledge that our facilities and offices are located on the Traditional Territories of Yukon First Nations who have occupied this land since time immemorial.