Getting the Most Bang for the Conservation Buck

Community Involvement, Energy Conservation

Feb 23, 2011  Comment

Yukon Energy wants to find out more about how people use electricity in the territory and where the greatest gains might be in terms of Demand Side Management (energy conservation). We've teamed up with the Yukon Electrical Company Ltd. and the Yukon government’s Department of Energy, Mines & Resources to collect this information.

We have hired ICF Marbek to do what's called a Conservation Potential Review. Marbek has a reputation of being one of Canada’s top energy consulting firms.

Through its research, the company will find answers to the following questions:

• How do Yukoners currently use energy (i.e. what percentage of energy consumption goes towards heat, hot water, lighting, plug loads, etc.)?
• How much power would Yukon need in future years if there weren't any Demand Side Management (DSM) initiatives put in place?
• How much potential is there in Yukon for energy savings through DSM initiatives?
• Where are the greatest gains to be made in terms of DSM?

The consultants will gather the information using customer billing data, stakeholder consultation and customer surveys. They'll also seek input from an advisory committee consisting of some Yukon and some outside representatives from energy sectors and industry.

The work will start later this month, with a final report expected by this fall.


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