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Energy Conservation
Dec 09, 2013  Comment

Saving Energy Over the Holidays

Christmas is just over two weeks away! Couple the cold and dark of December with all that extra holiday baking, those house guests, and strings of Christmas lights, and it can be difficult to keep electricity bills in check at this time of year. Here are a few suggestions to help you stay on track: 1. If you haven't already, switch to LED Christmas lights. They use 90 percent less electricity than regular Christmas lights, and can be purchased for around $10 a strand. 2. Use fiber optic decorations. In most cases, they use a single light bulb located in the base of the unit to light the entire decoration, making them both energy smart and budget smart! 3. Limit the time lights are on. Wait until dark to turn on your Christmas lights, and turn them off before you go to bed. Six hours or less of daily use is a good goal to aim for. Use a timer if you have trouble remembering to turn your lights on and off. 4. Turn off room lights when the tree is lit. The lights on your Christmas tree should provide more than enough lighting to navigate around the room. 5. Decorate with candles. Christmas lights are nice, but so are candles. Set up luminaries along your walkway and light candles throughout your home to achieve a beautiful holiday glow, without adding to the electric bill. Just be sure you don't leave the candles unattended for any length of time. 6. Christmas is a time of year when many of us tend to have house guests or adult children home from university. That means more showers and more dirty dishes. Wherever possible, watch the hot water usage; it is a huge part of a household electrical bill.  7. Buy gifts that don't use electricity. Make a pledge to buy energy-free gifts, and save all year round. 8. Invest in rechargeable batteries and a charger. If you buy or receive gifts that require batteries, consider purchasing rechargeable batteries and a charger.  Do you have any tips to share? Please post them here.

Media Releases
Sep 17, 2013  Comment

Northern Climate ExChange partners with Yukon Energy and federal government on hydrosecurity project

Matching funds from Yukon Energy Corporation and the federal government will allow the Northern Climate ExChange (NCE) of the Yukon Research Centre to continue its research investigating the implications of climate change on hydro generation at the Whitehorse dam. Yukon Energy and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada have each contributed $385,000 to allow the Northern Climate ExChange to build upon preliminary research already conducted with the energy corporation. Technical and other support will be provided by the Yukon Geological Survey and Environment Yukon’s Water Resources Branch. “This project aims to improve our understanding and preparedness for the impacts of climate change in northern Canada, which is of vital importance to Yukon’s prosperity,” said Lacia Kinnear, Manager, Northern Climate ExChange. “This research is critical to Yukon Energy in terms of helping us plan for climate change and the implications on our ability to generate hydro power,” said Janet Patterson, spokesperson for Yukon Energy. “With the majority of the electricity we produce coming from the Whitehorse hydro facilities, we must be ready for any future changes in the watershed that feeds our Whitehorse system.” Researchers will install automated weather and snowpack monitoring stations at five locations in the upper Yukon River watershed. The researchers will study the characteristics and flow dynamics of the headwater glaciers. They’ll also collect data on snow pack and suggest how the water that feeds the Whitehorse dam could be affected by climate variability. Yukon College students will be involved in many different aspects of this project, including field work and data interpretation. By the third year of the project, the researchers expect to develop a model that will help Yukon Energy in its future resource planning. It will also assist the energy corporation in operating its Whitehorse hydro facilities in the most efficient way possible under various scenarios. More information on this project can be found here. The Northern Climate ExChange is one of seven key programs at the Yukon Research Centre (YRC). The other six include: Biodiversity Monitoring, Cold Climate Innovation, NSERC Industrial Research Chair for Colleges in Mine Life Cycle, Technology Innovation, Science Adventures, and Resources and Sustainable Development in the Arctic. Core funding for the Yukon Research Centre is provided by Yukon Education and Yukon Economic Development. Yukon Energy Corporation is a publicly owned electricity utility that operates as a business, at arm’s length from the Yukon government. It is the main generator and transmitter of electrical energy in Yukon.   For more information, contact: Lacia Kinnear Manager, Northern Climate ExChange Yukon Research Centre 867.668.8862 867.332.6231 lkinnear@yukoncollege.yk.ca Janet Patterson Manager, Communications Yukon Energy Corporation 867.393.5333 867.335.1519 janet.patterson@yec.yk.ca