News & Events

Check this section for Yukon Energy's latest news and coming events.

If you have questions about any of the information posted here, please contact:

Lisa Wiklund
Manager, Communications
Yukon Energy Corporation
Phone: (867) 393-5398

General, News, Environment, Safety
Oct 23, 2023  Comment

Expect to see changes in water levels on Marsh Lake, Schwatka Lake and downstream of our Whitehorse facility in the coming days

As temperatures start to drop, we’re working hard to complete maintenance on our Whitehorse Rapids Generation Station before water starts to freeze. In the next week, we need to remove the structure that prevents fish swimming upstream from entering our Whitehorse #4 hydro unit. This piece of equipment is put in place every spring and removed in the fall. Taking it out before water starts to freeze is critical to preventing the build-up of ice on the structure and major damage to the hydro unit itself. To do this work safely, we need to reduce the flow of water passing through our hydro units to remove pressure on the structure.  Given how wet it was in September, water levels in the Southern Lakes are higher than typical for this time of year and water is flowing fast. This work will be done within the terms of our water licence and with safety and the environment top of mind. We’ve already started to draw more water out of Marsh Lake by opening the gates at the Lewes River Control Structure and lowering Schwatka Lake. Next, when Marsh Lake levels have dropped low enough, we’ll gradually reduce the flow of water downstream of the dam to complete the maintenance. Once the work is done, we’ll gradually increase flows again to the levels needed to maximize the amount of renewable electricity we can generate this winter. All this to say, there will be some noticeable water level changes to Marsh Lake, Schwatka Lake and the Yukon River downstream of our Whitehorse facility over the next week. Know that this is critical planned work and that safety and the environment are being kept top of mind.

General, Energy Supply, Reliability
Sep 22, 2023  Comment

Why has Yukon Energy been using thermal recently?

Some people who follow our energy consumption chart have been wondering recently, “why have you been using so much thermal these past few months?” There are a few reasons for this. However, before we get into them, let’s celebrate that on average, over 90% of the electricity we generate comes from renewable sources. This makes the Yukon one of the top jurisdictions in renewable electricity generation in Canada. We use thermal (LNG and diesel) to ensure we have the electricity we need when there aren’t enough renewable resources available, during emergencies and during winter peaks. In July, we had to run our diesel generators in Dawson City so that we could safely complete upgrades at our Callison substation. This meant disconnecting Dawson from the main grid and supplying electricity to Dawson residents via our diesel generators in downtown Dawson city. Having local diesel generators allows us to complete these critical projects, while still ensuring residents have the electricity they need. In August and September, we have had to use thermal for two main reasons: 1. We have had an abnormally dry August and September As seen in the Canadian Drought Outlook, conditions across the Yukon have ranged from abnormally dry to moderate drought. As a result of these dry conditions, our reservoir at Aishihik has not filled as quickly as it normally does. The Aishihik hydro plant plays an important role in the winter, providing approximately 40% of the electricity Yukoners need when demand for electricity is highest. It is also our primary hydroelectric facility that stores energy for use in the winter. For this reason, we have been using LNG to conserve water now, to ensure we have enough water for use in the winter.  2. Our Mayo A hydro plant is offline In June of this year, there was a small rockslide behind the Mayo A hydro plant. While there was no risk to public safety, out of an abundance of caution for worker safety, we made the decision to shut the Mayo A plant down. This means that electricity that would have been generated by the Mayo A plant in August and September is now being generated using LNG. We are currently working on removing the excess rock on the top layer of the slope to minimize the risk of future rockslides, and to get the Mayo A plant up and running this winter.

Aug 31, 2023  Comment

Yukon Energy applies for rate increase to support necessary investments in the Yukon’s electricity system

Yukon Energy Corporation has filed its 2023-2024 General Rate Application (GRA) with the Yukon Utilities Board (YUB). If approved, average residential and commercial bills will increase by 3% in October 2023 and another 3% in August 2024. The increases are needed so that Yukon Energy can make the investments required to reinforce the backbone of the Yukon’s existing electricity system. At the same time, the increases will also allow the Corporation to advance projects that will secure the supply of sustainable and reliable electricity in the territory, and programs that will help Yukoners take an active role in shifting peak demand for power. To make these investments, the Corporation is asking the YUB for a 14.1% rate increase to be applied over three different times in 2023 and 2024—October 1, January 1 and August 1. Rate increases and bill increases are not the same thing. By spreading the rate increase out over several months and timing each increase when other charges on electricity bills are expected to be reduced or removed, Yukon Energy is limiting the impact of the proposed rate increase on Yukoners’ monthly bills. With this approach, the Corporation is also preventing a bill increase from occurring on residential bills throughout the winter. Why does Yukon Energy need a rate increase? Significant and ongoing investments are needed in all aspects of the Yukon’s electricity system– from generation, transmission and distribution to storage and end-use programs. These investments will help to ensure the ongoing supply of safe, sustainable and reliable electricity to Yukoners. The four main drivers of the rate increase are: Growing demands for electricity. The Yukon is the fastest growing province or territory in Canada. At the same time, more Yukoners are turning to electric heat and transportation than ever before. The Yukon’s peak demand for electricity has increased by 23% in the last five years and this trend is expected to continue with an additional 36% increase in non-industrial peak load forecasted by 2030. Maintaining and upgrading the Yukon’s electricity system. Built primarily in the 1950s and 60s, Yukon Energy must continue to maintain and upgrade the Yukon’s existing electricity system. At the same time, water licences for each of the Corporation’s three hydro facilities, which supply Yukoners with more than 90% renewable electricity each year on average, need to be renewed within the next five years. Supporting the energy transition. The way Yukoners both consume and produce electricity is rapidly changing. The increased use of electric heat and vehicles, rooftop solar panels and distributed sources of solar and wind energy require investments to increase the capacity of the Yukon’s generation, transmission, distribution, and storage resources. Investments in new technologies and demand-side management programs are also needed to bolster reliability and resiliency of the Yukon grid. Rising costs of material and labour. Like other sectors in the Yukon, Yukon Energy is faced with higher costs of doing business, which stem from rising inflation, increased labour costs, and supply chain delays and constraints. More resources are also needed to direct, plan, execute and oversee the growing number of complex projects the Corporation is undertaking. What’s next? Yukon Energy’s GRA will be reviewed by the YUB. The YUB must approve any changes to electricity rates before they are applied to electricity bills. Yukoners will be able to view Yukon Energy’s application at Quotes “This rate increase is about investing in our electricity system, as we enter a period of rapid growth and demand on the system. When deciding whether a rate increase is needed, we always look to balance sustainability, reliability and affordability. We also look at ways we can soften the impact of rate increases on Yukoners’ bills by implementing smaller increases more regularly. Ultimately, this rate increase is needed so that we can make the investments needed to maintain a reliable and resilient electricity system.” - Chris Milner, Interim President and CEO, Yukon Energy Corporation -30- Media Contact: Lisa Wiklund Manager, Communications  Yukon Energy 867-393-5398

Aug 06, 2023  Comment

EMO issues Evacuation Order for Mayo and Silver Trail between KM 35 and 66

EVACUATION ORDER - The Village of Mayo, including all properties along the Silver Trail between Kilometres 35 and 66 August 6, 2023 – 1:00 pm The Village of Mayo, including all properties along the Silver Trail between Kilometres 35 and 66  Evacuation Order – August 6, 2023  Under relevant legislation, an EVACUATION ORDER has been issued by Yukon Emergency Measures Organization. This ORDER is due to life safety hazard from the Talbot Creek fire (MA-033).  The order is in effect for location described in subtitle and any additional areas necessary.  Members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police or another designated agency will be expediting this action.  RESIDENTS AND VISITORS MUST LEAVE THE AREA IMMEDIATELY. REPORT TO THE MAYO COMMUNITY HALL OR THE NA-CHO NYAK DUN GOVERNMENT OFFICE.  What you should do:  If you need assistance leaving the area, contact Emergency Support Services (ESS) by phoning 867-332-4597;  Shut off all gas and electrical appliances, other than refrigerators and freezers; Close all windows and doors; Close, but do not lock, gates and latch;  Gather your family/household.  Do not use more vehicles than necessary; Take critical items including your purse/wallet, cash, medicine, keys, identification and important documents. If pets have not been proactively removed as of the evacuation alert, take them in kennels or on a leash. Please bring proof of vaccination for your pets; Follow the travel route provided; Monitor local news sources and for updated information. Register with Emergency Support Services by phoning 867-332-4597. Local residents and visitors should avoid visiting properties in the affected area until such time as notified by the Yukon Emergency Measures Organization.  Contact:  Fire Information Officer

Jul 28, 2023  Comment

Why are clocks running faster than usual in Dawson?

How does Yukon Energy's system influence time? Our electric clocks run on 60 Hertz (Hz), “alternating current” (ac) electricity. Alternating current refers to the fact that the current consists of pulses and 60 Hz means that 60 pulses of current flow every second. This is known as the “frequency” of our power system. Many electric devices that are plugged into a wall socket, such as alarm clocks, ovens, and microwaves, use these pulses to count the seconds and keep time. In other words, clocks that are plugged into a wall socket use our system frequency of 60 cycles a second as a reference for determining time. We monitor the frequency very closely; however it is normal for the system to swing in the range of +/- 0.5 Hz. Ultimately, maintaining frequency is all about balance. If the generators in one part of the grid are running slower, generators in other sections of the grid may need to run faster to ensure we are maintaining our frequency of 60 Hz and that we have enough electricity for all who need it. What causes clocks to run fast or slow? If our generators are running above 60 Hz, clocks that are plugged in will run fast over time. If our generators are running below 60 Hz, clocks will run slow over time. How does this explain what’s happening in Dawson? Over the last month (July 2023), Dawson has been disconnected from the main grid and its sole source of electricity has been the diesel generators. We needed to disconnect Dawson to complete upgrades at our substation in Callison. You can read more about that project here. While the diesel generators in Dawson are designed to output 60 Hz, they sometimes run slightly above 60 Hz. Given frequency is a very sensitive calibration, it can stray slightly over time because of regular wear and tear on the generators. While we perform regular maintenance, some of these generators are near their end-of-life and need to be replaced soon. So, that is why Dawson residents may have noticed that clocks in Dawson have been running faster than normal recently. We also sometimes use the diesel generators to help restore power during an outage, which is why you may have noticed your clocks running faster after an outage. Are people in Dawson being charged more because of this? No. People in Dawson are not being charged more for electricity because the generators are running slightly faster than 60 Hz. Frequency determines how fast electricity travels from the source to the consumer. Electricity bills are based on electricity consumption, or how much electricity a customer uses over time. Just because the power gets to you faster, doesn’t mean that you’re using more of it.

Jun 27, 2023  Comment

Regarding the power outages the week of June 18, 2023

We know that no one likes power outages, and we recognize there have been several over the last week. We apologize for this and any inconvenience the outages may have caused. We take each outage seriously and do our best to restore power as quickly as possible in these situations. In the summer, we rely primarily on hydro to provide our electricity. So, when our hydro units trip we lose a significant source of generation. This was the cause of the outages on June 18, 19, 20 and 21. One of our hydro units tripped and we lost nearly half of the electricity we generate in the summer. Operating a power grid always requires a balance between generation and load. So, losing a large hydro unit resulted in an imbalance, with the load significantly larger than what the available generation could handle. When this happens, the grid will protect itself by shedding excess load to quickly restore balance between load and available generation, keep the system stable, avoid total grid outage, and ensure quick restoration. After further investigation into why the hydro unit tripped, we found that it was caused by a point of weakness in the protection and control systems’ wiring. There are thousands of wires in the power grid, so it is not possible to check all of the wires regularly. In other words, there was no way of knowing this would happen, until it did. The manufacturer of these systems has since rewired the faulty part of the control system to prevent this from happening again. The outages on June 22 and 23 were caused by lightning. Unfortunately, there is little we can do to prevent outages such as these. During these outages, we used diesel and LNG to make up for the lost generation and to restore power quickly. Despite the hydro unit being offline for days, the average outage length was one hour and 12 minutes. We used diesel as this is the fastest and most economical way to restore power. There are also diesel facilities in Dawson, Faro, Mayo and Whitehorse which we used to restore power to these communities before tying the grid back together. We thank everyone for their understanding and apologize again for the disruptions these outages may have caused.

Dec 22, 2022  Comment

December 22 - Dawson City Outage

update: 7:25 aM, December 23 Power has been restored to the remainder of customers affected by last night's power outage. Thanks to everyone for their kindness and understanding last night and this morning. UPDATE: 4:15 AM, December 23 Power has been restored to about 95% of customers affected by tonight’s outage. Our additional support team from Mayo will be working on the last area - Front Street between King and Princess next. ETA is still about 8 am. At this time, we’d like to thank everyone for their patience and understanding tonight, and our crews for their ongoing efforts. We’d also like to thank Fire Chief Masserey, Mayor Kendrick and EMO for helping us share updates with the community; the teams at the Dawson City Arena and Robert Service School who opened their doors to provide warming stations last night; to the RCMP and staff at Tr'ondek Hwech'in and the City of Dawson who provided free rides for people to get to the arena or school; and all the other people and businesses who stepped in to provide updates and warm places for people to go. Dawson is a true community and we are happy to be a part of it. UPDATE: 4 AM, December 23 Power has been restored to 80% of customers. Additional support from Mayo is also on its way to help. The area between York and Judge and Front to 3rd is being worked on now. ETA for that area - about 60 minutes. ETA for Albert Street - about 530 am ETA for customers along Front Street between King and Princess - around 8 am We thank everyone for their patience. We know this has been a long process and that it’s really cold outside. We just don’t want to risk another large-scale outage by turning things on too quickly. UPDATE: 2 AM, December 23 Power has been restored to about 60% of homes affected by tonight’s outage. Crews continue to work on restoring power to homes and businesses between King and Albert Street, and along Front Street. They are hoping to have power restored within an hour. If you have power, please unplug all non-essential appliances and unplug vehicles. This will help in our restoration efforts UPDATE: 1 AM, December 23 We are working hard to restore power to all Dawson residents but are aware some people have lost power again. If possible, please reduce your electricity use so we can get everyone back on the grid as quickly as possible. UPDATE: 12 AM, December 23 To all Dawson residents with electricity, please reduce your electricity consumption by turning off any unnecessary lights and unplugging any non-essential electronics. This will help to speed up restoration. Thank you! UPDATE: 10:35 PM, December 22 Repairs are complete and we have begun the restoration process, however we will be restoring power in small sections due to the cold temperatures. Thank you again for your patience, we know it is cold and our team is working as quickly as it can! ORIGINAL POST: 7:45 PM, December 22 We are currently experiencing a power outage that is affecting some customers in Dawson City. As of 7:45pm, power may be out for another 3 hours. If you or someone you know needs a warm place to go, the Dawson City arena is currently open, and the Robert Service School should be open shortly. Thank you for your patience as our crews work to restore power as quickly as they can.

Oct 31, 2022  Comment

Guy Morgan is retiring after a lifetime with Yukon Energy Corporation

Guy Morgan, Vice President of Operations, is retiring after a lifetime with Yukon Energy Corporation. His qualifications did not come the academic school way but the Old School way — literally from the ground up. They had a humble origin with Yukon Electrical Company in 1984.  “I was an 18-year-old student looking for a summer job. When they first saw me, the foreman said ‘Oh, a big one, come with me, genius.’ He put a shovel in my hand and threw me into the back of a truck.” He stayed on for a couple of years, working on a line crew. He left to attend college in Victoria to begin an electrical apprenticeship program. Those studies were interrupted by a job with Yukon Energy Corporation.  “That summer, I was cutting lawns, mopping floors and pulling trash out of the trash racks. By fall, I was working as a diesel operator. I put the electrician plans on hold again when I moved into the Control Centre. A few years later, I was a low-level supervisor.”  Along the way, Guy received a well-rounded education on how Yukon Energy generates and distributes electricity. “I learned that power doesn’t just come out of a hole in the wall without a lot of infrastructure and a whole group of really dedicated people working as a team to put it there.” Guy’s career was on a steady upward trajectory, as he progressed to overall supervisor for the Control Centre, Manager of the Mechanical group, to co-Director, to Director and finally VP.  “And that’s how I spent 35 years.” He’s seen a lot of changes in that time, including the integration of the Mayo and Whitehorse grids and the focus on reducing diesel generation and prioritizing renewable energy. Some of the biggest operational changes came from technology, equipment, and automation. “I’ve toured other control centres and can say that we are equal to or a bit more advanced than most. One of the reasons for that is we’re a huge geographic area with only 100 or so employees. We automate as much as possible, so we don’t have to physically send people all over to check or adjust things.” One of his proudest achievements was the response to the fire in 1997 that took out the Control Centre. “The building was destroyed, but we moved the control Centre into a truck, then into a bathroom then a trailer. We survived without a single outage. That’s down to our quick-thinking team who managed everything manually when the computer went down. We do good damage control here and have good processes and systems in place.” It’s that team and the teamwork itself that he’s most sorry to leave. “Not gonna lie, I’ll miss the people — I can’t say enough about the quality of the staff here. I don’t buy into that whole younger generation negativity either. We’ve got a lot of younger staff and I see a group of very curious, skilled, and dedicated people. We’re much like a family here and we want to see our people grow, progress, take responsibility. It doesn’t take much to say ‘you did good’ and pass on new opportunities to them.”  That pretty much encapsulates the advice he’d give to anyone following in his footsteps: “Delegate. Give people the ability to make decisions and let them grow. Work yourself out of a job.” Reflecting on what he might have done differently, he says he “probably would’ve got that trades ticket, just to say I did it. But seriously, it all kind of worked out in the end for me. No regrets, good friends. Now I need to get out of the way for new guys.” What about his plans for retirement?   “I’m going to Aruba for a month with my wife, and we’ll figure it out from there. Maybe they’ve got a small, isolated grid that needs help…”  

News, Media Releases
Jul 25, 2022  Comment

Joint Agreements Commit to Better Future for Äshèyi

Dakwäkäda/Haines Junction, Yukon – Champagne and Aishihik First Nations (CAFN), the Government of Yukon (Yukon), and Yukon Energy Corporation (YEC) have reached historic agreements for a better future for Äshèyi (Aishihik). The new agreements for a collaborative approach to operation of the Aishihik Generating Station (AGS or dam) were signed Thursday, July 21, during the CAFN General Assembly at Takhini River Subdivision.  “Fifty years since the construction of the Aishihik Generating Station, we are at a major turning point as we sign these agreements. These agreements are built through CAFN asserting Dän K’e – our way. We have built a new collaborative relationship with the Government of Yukon (Yukon), and we have a new path to reduce the impacts by working with Yukon Energy Corporation. We understand the dam is vital to power the Yukon, and we know that together we can do much better to reduce its harms to CAFN lands, water and people. Today we start a new path forward together to stop the harms and begin to restore Äshèyi. The path to true reconciliation and healing is going to be a long one. While this first step is a good indication we’re on that path, it’s only the first step.”  Kaaxnox, Dän Nätthe Äda (Chief Steve Smith)  “The Yukon government is committed to strong Government-to-Government relationships that foster reconciliation and we are pleased to forge a new collaborative partnership with the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations and the Yukon Energy Corporation. Renewable energy is essential to address climate change and meet the Yukon’s clean energy targets set out in Our Clean Future. These agreements establish a shared path forward for the long-term operation of the Aishihik Generating Station so that all Yukoners can continue to rely on this renewable energy source.”  Yukon Premier Sandy Silver  “The Aishihik Generating Station is critical to delivering the energy that Yukon needs today and tomorrow. These agreements chart a path for Yukon Energy, the Yukon government and Champagne and Aishihik First Nations to work together in a manner that respects the interests of the people whose traditional territories and land the facility is located, to maintain the benefits of renewable energy produced by the facility, while minimizing the impacts that come with generating that energy. The work that has gone into developing these agreements has shown us all that long term solutions and improvements to processes require strong relationships built on respect. The result will be a brighter and more successful future for all Yukon people.”  Lesley Cabott, Chair, Yukon Energy Board of Directors  BACKGROUND/KEY FACTS:  CAFN, Yukon and YEC have carried out a long and thorough process to reach these agreements, and they are founded on years of input and guidance from CAFN Citizens. The Accord and Agreements are a commitment to a renewed relationship and a shared path forward regarding the long-term operation of the AGS and stewardship of Äshèyi.  The Parties recognize the strong foundation provided by the CAFN Final Agreement and Self-government Agreement and the assessment and licensing processes created through those Agreements. The Parties are committed to working collaboratively and in partnership through these processes and over the long-term operation of the AGS.  Accord  The government-to-government Accord is CAFN and Yukon’s commitment to collaborate on shared priorities for the AGS and Äshèyi. The Accord establishes a long-term relationship supported by a combination of bilateral and trilateral Agreements between CAFN, Yukon and YEC. The Accord identifies Senior Officials from both governments who are responsible for the implementation of the Accord and Agreement. These Senior Officials will provide updates and information back to their respective organizations.  Agreements  CAFN, YG and YEC have created a number of Agreements to guide their relationship regarding the long-term operation of the AGS and bring effect to reconciliation through the implementation of shared priorities. The Parties have identified opportunities for community development, promoting the practice of traditions in and celebrating the cultural history of Äshèyi, focusing on stewardship in the area through research and monitoring, and supporting energy planning and improving energy efficient infrastructure. All these priorities will be realized through working together in collaboration and partnership.  History  Äshèyi Män (Aishihik Lake) is in the CAFN Traditional Territory in the Yukon. For thousands of years CAFN dän (people) have lived at Äshèyi in areas including Äshèyi village, Chemi and The Yanlin (Canyon). Äshèyi remains of great importance to CAFN dän connection to the land, water, culture and heritage.  Aishihik Generating Station  The AGS is located at the south end of Äshèyi Män, about 110 kilometres northwest of Whitehorse, and has provided electricity to Yukoners since 1975. It is a significant power source for the Yukon’s energy system. The facility is capable of producing 37 megawatts of power, and is critical in meeting peak winter demand.  Over the course of its operations, the AGS has undergone a number of assessment and licensing processes. Most recently, YEC is seeking a 5-year licence to maintain its operations. These processes provide for broad involvement and CAFN dän have actively participated through sharing valuable knowledge and information. The strong relationship foundation created by the Accord and Agreements will guide the Parties over the long-term operation of the AGS, inclusive of any future licensing processes and licence implementation.  CAFN Citizens have participated in every AGS icensing process since the very first Yukon Water Board hearing in 1972.  For more information:  Contacts: Amy McKinnon  Strategic Communications Manager  Champagne and Aishihik First Nations  (867) 332-1973  Rachel Veinott-McKeough  Strategic Communications Advisor  Government of Yukon  (780) 916-6995  Jenna Henderson  Communications Officer  Champagne and Aishihik First Nations (867) 334-6264  Megan Yakiwchuk  Corporate Secretary  Yukon Energy Corporation  (867) 393-5337 

Jun 25, 2022  Comment

June 25 Outage: Whitehorse, Champagne & Mendenhall

9:45 p.m. UPDATE: Power has been restored to all customers in Mendenhall and Champagne. The root cause of tonight's outage was a tree that fell on the transmission line just east of Mendenhall. Thank you again to all customers who were affected by tonight's outage for your patience and understanding this evening. Have a great remainder of the night. 8:15 p.m. UPDATE: Power has been restored to all customers in and south of Whitehorse. Yukon Energy continues to work to restore power to Mendenhall and Champagne - communities directly connected to the power line between Aishihik and Whitehorse. Power will be restored to these communities once we find the root cause of the problem on the transmission line and are able to fix it. To customers in these communities, thanks for your ongoing patience and understanding tonight as we continue to work to restore your power as quickly and safely as possible. 7:30 p.m. UPDATE: Crews have narrowed down the cause of tonight’s outage to be a trip on the high-voltage transmission line between Aishihik and Whitehorse. Crews have been dispatched to patrol the line to find and fix the root cause. Yukon Energy customers in Mendenhall and Champagne - we are aware you are also without power. Crews have been dispatched. 7:10 p.m.:  We are aware of an outage affecting areas of Whitehorse and south of the city. We are working with ATCO Electric Yukon to find the cause and to restore power as quickly as possible. More updates to come.