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News, Community Involvement, Energy Supply
Apr 14, 2016  Comment

Major Survey About to Start to Gauge Yukoners’ Views on Electricity

As most people know, Yukon Energy is in the process of updating our 2016 Resource Plan, a document that outlines how to meet Yukon's electricity needs for the next 20 years (2016 to 2035). A critical part of our resource planning work is to gather your input, so we can create a plan that reflects Yukoners' values in terms of the territory's electricity future.  Keeping in mind that all energy options have impacts and require trade-offs, we want to understand how you would rank the importance of affordability (keeping your power rates low), reliability (keeping the lights on), and a number of social and environmental factors such as protecting the environment and wildlife, respecting traditional lifestyles and heritage resources, supporting economic growth and jobs, and ensuring cultural and community well-being. We have hired the Yukon Bureau of Statistics to conduct a phone survey, which will start as early as this week-end and will run over the next few weeks. The Bureau will survey up to 5,000 people in both Whitehorse and the communities, using a statistically sound method that will allow them to collect the opinions of a representative sample of Yukoners. The questionnaire should take about 10 minutes to complete. If you are one of those who receives a call, please take the time to do the survey. Your answers will be confidential and the Bureau of Stats will not share any of your personal information, not even with Yukon Energy. Once the Bureau of Stats has collected and compiled all the results, it will provide us with a report that we will make public - likely sometime in the summer. In terms of how we will use the information, it will be one of several factors we will take into account when selecting what we believe are the best energy options for Yukon over the next 20-years. The other factors include: Electricity cost Reliability Environmental impacts Socio-economic impacts All things being equal, we will give more weight to any potential projects that appear to have the general support of Yukoners based on the survey results.

News, Energy Supply, Partnerships
Jul 15, 2016  Comment

Preparing for Our Aishihik Water License Renewal

If you’ve spent time recently in the Aishihik Lake area, you may have noticed some people doing scientific research on or around the lake. Bird surveys have been taking place since April, and in late July/early August we will conduct our annual white fish studies. There’ll also be some data collected related to the river channel/banks of the Lower Aishihik River. These programs are being done in cooperation with the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations, and in each case one or more CAFN citizens are involved in doing the work. This research and data collection is part of the information we need for the application to renew our Aishihik hydro facility water license. Our current license expires in 2019. The Champagne and Aishihik First Nations (CAFN) government and Yukon Energy are taking a new, more collaborative approach with regard to this water license renewal. We are working in partnership on proposed terms and conditions for a new license and have signed a protocol agreement for the co-management of the license renewal process. Together we have established a steering committee (one member each from CAFN and Yukon Energy) to oversee the work and provide high level guidance, and an advisory committee (of CAFN, Yukon Energy, various government departments and agencies, as well as non-governmental organizations) that makes recommendations on technical issues such as the process for collecting baseline information, lake operational alternatives, effects assessment, etc. CAFN citizens provide input to this group through a Champagne Aishihik Community Advisory Committee. Both CAFN and Yukon Energy recognize that the Aishihik hydro facility has had long term impacts on the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations people, and want to improve relationships by working together on issues related to the Aishihik reservoir/watershed. There will be opportunities for the general Yukon public to provide input into the license renewal as we move through this process. Watch here for information about upcoming public meetings and other ways you can have your say.