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Energy Supply, Environment
May 13, 2014  Comment

Two Kites, One Balloon, and a Sound System

If you've travelled along Robert Service Way in Whitehorse lately, you may have noticed the colorful kites and a balloon in the wooded area near our hydro facilities. We have started a project to deter birds from nesting in the proposed LNG site (an area of 1.5 hectares). In Yukon, bird nesting occurs between May 1 and August 15. If the LNG project gets all its approvals, vegetation clearing of this site will take place within this nesting bird window. The Migratory Bird Convention Act prohibits the destruction of any active bird nests, so this project will prevent birds from coming into the site in the first place. There are two kites, one helium balloon and a sound system being used for this task. The two kites are hawk shaped and move and dart about in the wind like a predatory bird. The red, blue and white helium balloon also moves about in the wind and mimics a hawk. Its height above the trees will help stop birds from nesting in the area, since they do not like to have something above them. The on-site sound system sends out nesting bird distress calls and predatory bird sounds.   In spite of all our deterrents, it's possible there could still be nesting birds in the area. That's why, if the LNG project is approved and clearing goes ahead, qualified bird biologists will first conduct bird nesting surveys to local any active bird nests within the site. If there are, 10 meter ‘no-clearing’ buffers will be established until the birds vacate the nests.