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Power Outage Updates, Reliability
Dec 04, 2012  Comment

An Update for Residents of Mendenhall

We wanted to provide people in Mendenhall with the latest information on what we are doing to address the power issues of late. We currently have three portable diesel generators that are providing power to Mendenhall. A fourth larger generator is being trucked up from Alberta and should be on site tomorrow. Also tomorrow, we will be installing a new transformer to replace the one that failed over the week-end, causing this outage. The work will take place around noon tomorrow, and in order to make the switchover, we must turn your power off for a short period (no more than 15 minutes and likely much less than that). We know the last thing you want is another outage, but we must do this to hook up the new piece of equipment. In the short term, power will be provided to Mendenhall via the grid with the new transformer, and with on-site diesels. We need both since the transformer that we currently have available is the same size as the old one and is not large enough to handling the growing power needs of Mendenhall. We will continue to use both diesel and grid power until we can locate a larger transformer. We are working hard to get one to you as soon as possible, but please know that this could take some time. We will keep the diesels in Mendenhall until we have the larger transformer installed. We will continue to provide you with updates on our blog, Twitter and Facebook, as well as via email, as new developments occur. Please share this information with your neighbours, especially those who may not have access to a computer. If you or someone you know would like to be added to an email list for updates, please have them send a note to: janet.patterson@yec.yk.ca or call 393-5333.

Energy Conservation
Jan 11, 2013  3

How’s Our Lighting, Part 2

Two years ago, Yukon Energy partnered with the Energy Solutions Centre to install six Light Emitting Diode (LED) streetlights in Dawson City. We wanted to find out how they would perform in extreme winter conditions compared to the traditional street lights. We learned that the annual energy used by the traditional High Pressure Sodium (HPS) streetlights is 416 kilowatt hours per light. The energy used by the LED lights is 150 kilowatt hours per light, a savings of 64 percent. A public opinion survey conducted in Dawson City in February 2011 indicated that of the 76 responses, 87 percent like the LED lights and feel they provide the correct amount of light, and 89 percent support switching to LED streetlights. While in principle we support moving to LED streetlights on a broader scale, we wanted to gather more information first. New products have come on the market since we installed the first LED lights in Dawson. Also, the Dawson LEDs are all the same type. We decided to do a follow up pilot to test the newest models from a few different brands. This will ensure that if we move ahead with installing LEDs throughout our service areas, we will know which is the best type for our northern climate. We have selected Mendenhall as the area for our follow-up pilot. In partnership with Yukon Electrical Company Limited, we recently installed six new LED streetlights (three different brands/types) at various spots throughout the Mendenhall subdivision. The map below shows exact locations. We will monitor and collect data from these lights for the rest of this winter. If you are a Mendenhall resident, we’d also like to hear from you about the LEDs. Watch for a survey in your mailbox in a few months. However you don’t have to wait until then to tell us what you think of the lights. Contact us at any time with your comments. We’ll post a summary of our results here on this blog and on our website.