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Energy Supply, Reliability, Safety
Jun 04, 2015  Comment

Questions About the Safety of LNG and our LNG Plant

As we prepare for the commissioning of our natural gas plant in Whitehorse, we are getting more questions about the safety of the facility, and of LNG in general. Over the next few weeks we will post a series here and on our social media sites that addresses some of the concerns raised. We believe that much of the fear here in the territory stems from a lack of familiarity with LNG. Most of us use hydrocarbon fuels in our daily lives...gasoline or diesel in our vehicles, propane and oil in our homes, and we rarely if ever consider the safety of these fuels. Natural gas is new to Yukon, and so people, rightly so, question its safety. The reality is that all these fuels have their own unique hazards and need to be respected. As long as all the appropriate safety measures are taken, we can use these products very safely. Consider this: here in Whitehorse we have two propane tank farms, with a total volume of just over 500 liters. That's about equal to our LNG storage volume. There are diesel tanks at the Whitehorse airport and on our existing Whitehorse site, and we have not heard anyone raise safety questions about them. There are propane tanks near the grocery store in the Riverdale subdivision of Whitehorse, near our generating facilities. Again, we have not heard people express safety concerns about these tanks. It is generally accepted that LNG is a safer fuel than propane. It has a higher ignition temperature, meaning you need a much hotter spark than you do to ignite propane. As well, the storage pressure of propane tanks is higher than that of LNG, making it more prone to explosions.  Natural gas is lighter than air so if you did have an LNG leak, it would disperse upwards. Propane sinks downward and sticks around an area. In a nutshell, we would not be moving to LNG if we did not believe it is safe, and we intend to implement all the appropriate safety measures in the operation of our LNG site. Watch this site for a map that provides more detailed information about the safety features that have been built into our natural gas facility.

News, Energy Supply, Power Outage Updates, Reliability
Jun 25, 2015  Comment

Another Outage

Today we had another power outage in the Central Yukon that affected customers in Dawson City, Faro, the Minto Mine, Carmacks, Pelly Crossing and Stewart Crossing. This is the third one in two days, and understandably, customers’ patience is wearing thin.  Yesterday morning’s outage was caused by a raven that got into the Faro substation. Yesterday afternoon’s outage and the one this morning were as a result of generator issues. People have asked why there have been multiple outages in such a short period of time. Over the last several days we have had to split the Yukon grid so that we can do some preventative maintenance on our lines and structures. This splitting of the grid has caused some instability. Our staff are trying to find a solution so that this necessary maintenance work still gets done, but customers are not subjected to ongoing outages. We recognize that any time there is a power outage, local businesses in particular take a big hit. Please know that our crews are working as hard as they possibly can to safely address this power loss issue. We have been asked if Yukon Energy will provide a credit to those businesses who have had to close their doors during the outages. Yukon Energy does consider compensation if an outage has been caused by negligence on our part. However compensation is not provided for equipment failures and natural events such as animals or trees on the equipment, forest fires, and lightening. In terms of protecting home or business electronic equipment during outages, the first line of defense is always good surge protection, and we strongly encourage everyone to invest in a surge protection system. Please contact us if you have questions.