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Media Releases
Oct 06, 2015  Comment

Yukon Energy Begins Works With Yukoners to Plan Next 20 Years

Yukon Energy is looking to Yukoners to help chart the course of the territory’s short to medium-term electricity future. The energy corporation is starting the process of updating its resource plan, which will cover the years 2016 to 2035.  “Planning for Yukoners’ power needs takes careful thought and research, and a balancing of values,” Yukon Energy President Andrew Hall said. “It requires input from all Yukoners since we all have a stake in the territory’s electricity future.” Over the next 12 to 15 months, Yukon Energy will be involved in a public process that will allow the corporation to: Determine what the electricity needs are expected to be in the territory over the next 20 years; Determine how much of an electricity shortage there will be over that time period; Examine all possible energy options available, analyze each one based on consistent criteria, and determine which ones are the best choices for the territory technically, economically, environmentally, and socially; and Write a resource plan that will be submitted to the Yukon Utilities Board for review. “Yukoners can make their voices heard at every step in the planning process,” Hall said. “It is important that we understand people’s values, so they can be reflected in the resource plan.” Yukoners can provide input through public meetings, a comprehensive values-based survey and a new interactive website, among other things. Yukon Energy hopes to increase electricity literacy through a series of information pieces placed in a Yukon newspaper and mailed to households. There will be direct and ongoing engagement with First Nations throughout the resource planning process. “We recognize that First Nations have the right to be engaged as a government, a potential energy investor or proponent, and as Yukon citizens, and we will work with them on all those levels,” Hall said. Yukon Energy expects to have a resource plan to submit to the Yukon Utilities Board early in 2017. Contact: Janet Patterson                                                                        Manager, Communications Yukon Energy Corporation (867) 393-5333                                                                       janet.patterson@yec.yk.ca

News, Community Involvement, Environment
Nov 24, 2015  Comment

Yukon Energy Provides Precious Resource for Fox Creek Restoration Project

Yukon Energy handed over some very special cargo to the Ta’an Kwäch’än Council earlier this month. Our Whitehorse Rapids Fish Hatchery provided the First Nation with more than 50,000 fertilized (eyed) Chinook salmon eggs.  The eggs are part of a program to restore the Chinook salmon run at Fox Creek, a tributary of Lake Laberge about 50 kilometres north of Whitehorse. The creek supported a spawning population of Chinook salmon until the 1950s, when the fish disappeared. No one is sure why this happened.  Several years ago, Ta’an began working with Yukon Energy and other partners to restock the creek. Yukon Energy’s hatchery provides the eggs, which each fall are transferred to Yukon College’s McIntyre Creek Hatchery. The eggs incubate and hatch over the winter and the subsequent young fry are tagged and released into Fox Creek during the summer. There are some promising indications that the efforts are starting to pay off. The Ta’an Kwäch’än Council reported seeing nine Chinook salmon this past summer in the Fox Creek spawning grounds. Yukon Energy looks forward to continuing our partnership with Ta’an on this important project. Fertilized (eyed) eggs up close Whitehorse Rapids Fish Hatchery Manager Lawrence Vano hands over the eggs to Ta'an Councillor Delilah Pillai and contractor Deb Fulmer. The eggs arrive safe and sound at the McIntyre Creek fish hatchery.

General, News, Community Involvement, Energy Supply, Partnerships
Oct 06, 2015  Comment

Working With Yukoners to Plan the Next 20 Years

Yukon Energy is looking to Yukoners to help chart the course of the territory’s short to medium-term electricity future. We are starting the process of updating our resource plan, which will cover the years 2016 to 2035.  Over the next 12 to 15 months, we will work with you through a public process that will allow us to: Determine what the electricity needs are expected to be in the territory over the next 20 years; Determine how much of an electricity shortage there will be over that time period; Examine all possible energy options available, analyze each one based on consistent criteria, and determine which ones are the best choices for the territory technically, economically, environmentally, and socially; and Write a resource plan that will be submitted to the Yukon Utilities Board for review. Planning for Yukoners’ power needs takes careful thought and research, and a balancing of values. It requires input from all Yukoners since we all have a stake in the territory’s electricity future. Yukoners can make their voices heard at every step in the planning process. It is important that we understand people’s values, so they can be reflected in the resource plan. You can provide input through public meetings, a comprehensive values-based survey and a new interactive website, among other things. We hope to increase electricity literacy through a series of information pieces placed in a Yukon newspaper and mailed to households. There will be direct and ongoing engagement with First Nations throughout the resource planning process. We recognize that First Nations have the right to be engaged as a government, a potential energy investor or proponent, and as Yukon citizens. We expect to have a resource plan to submit to the Yukon Utilities Board early in 2017.