In the short term, we plan to have 6.5 megawatts of diesel generation installed at the Callison substation near Dawson.
In future years, we expect more diesel generation at the substation as demand for power in Dawson City continues to grow, more sources of wind and solar power come online, and we continue to move diesel generators from downtown to Callison. To prepare for that, we will be assessing the potential long-term effects of 15.5 megawatts of diesel generation at the Callison substation this year.
The project is now undergoing an Executive Committee screening by the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board (YESAB). Read more in our proposal here.
Demand for electricity in Dawson City is growing
As the second-fastest-growing community in the Yukon, the addition of people, homes and community infrastructure are all contributing factors to an increasing demand for electricity. This, coupled with the switch from propane and heating oil to electricity for heating and transportation, means we expect to see demand for electricity in Dawson City double in the next five years.
Installing the new engines at Yukon Energy’s Callison substation offers several benefits to the Dawson City community:
Our goal is to eventually move all of the diesel engines out of downtown to our substation in the Callison industrial area. However, they will stay downtown for the foreseeable future. The timing will depend on when the engines reach the end of their life and when it becomes cost-effective to move them.
During our last round of engagement, the majority of Dawsonites we talked to were eager for us to move the diesel generators from downtown to our substation in Callison. We also heard that diesel was an important back-up source of electricity for the community and provided peace-of-mind that Dawsonites would receive the electricity they need, when they need it.