Yukon Energy Chair and Three Directors Resign

Media Releases

Jun 08, 2009  Comment

Willard L. Phelps announced that he and three Directors have resigned from the Yukon Development Corporation and the Yukon Energy Corporation Board of Directors effective today.

The Directors are:
Greg Hakonson
Paul Hunter
Martin Allen

Mr. Phelps said that they came to this decision after lengthy and careful deliberation.

He explained, “We have fundamental differences with Government of Yukon regarding the value, the role and the governance of these Corporations. We also disagree on issues concerning the role of the boards. For these and other reasons, we find it impossible to continue to perform in a manner that fulfills the responsibilities and obligations that these positions require.”
Mr. Phelps declined to further elaborate about these issues citing the confidential nature of Board deliberations and its communications with Cabinet.

However he made it clear that he and the three Directors would be free to respond to comments by the Yukon government and they would likely comment on certain government and Corporate energy initiatives as they are announced.

Willard Phelps
(867) 821-4521


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