Whitehorse Fish Hatchery Vandalism and Fuel Spill


Dec 20, 2024  Comment

On the morning of December 13, 2024, Yukon Energy discovered a fuel spill at the Whitehorse Rapids Fish Hatchery, caused by vandalism and tampering with a fuel tank. The affected tank was located outside the building but within the locked perimeter fence. Thankfully, Yukon Energy crews responded swiftly, containing and recovering the spill, and preventing further damage. 

We are also relieved to report that no fish were harmed during this incident, as our staff quickly restored the fuel supply to the hatchery’s backup generator. Had an outage occurred, we could have faced the loss of both adult and juvenile fish stocks within hours without backup power. A working fuel supply for the backup generator is crucial to maintain facility operations in the event of a power outage. 

All established spill procedures were followed during the cleanup to ensure safe remediation of the site, including the removal of contaminated soil, snow, and ice. Safety remains our top priority, and we are grateful for our staff who demonstrated a high degree of professionalism in their response.   


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