We Have Things Well in Hand


Mar 12, 2010  Comment

We thought you might be interested in learning more about what Yukon Energy is doing to meet the electrical needs of Yukoners now and into the future. Our latest strategic plan lays out our priorities for the next two years. You can read the full plan here. In a nutshell, here are the four main areas we are focussing on:

Reliable Power
The goal is to reduce the number of controllable outages and make our system more efficient. Two thirds of the core capital budget is being dedicated to reliability improvements for the next five years.

Work is under way to improve the performance of our hydro generating equipment and transmission lines. The Whitehorse-Aishihik-Faro transmission system will be joined to the Mayo-Dawson grid so Yukon Energy’s hydro assets can be managed as one unit.  
Yukon Energy is also working with Yukon Electrical to find ways to improve service to distribution customers and to localize outages.
Meet future demand with clean power
Yukon Energy is planning for the future. Our challenge is to meet an increasing demand for electricity with clean, renewable energy that works well with our existing hydro infrastructure. We are looking at all possible sources of clean energy, including wind, geo-thermal and additional hydro, to keep to a minimum the need to burn diesel for power generation.
Establish a buffer of surplus renewable energy
To ensure Yukon has a continuous supply of clean energy, resource planning must include a buffer of energy projects that are 'shelf ready' but only built if required. 
Work with customers to better meet future energy needs
Yukon Energy cannot fulfill our mandate in isolation. We must work to engage Yukoners so we can collectively create a clean energy future. Our goals are to better define commercial client needs and continue to explore opportunities to work with First Nations and the private section on energy projects.
We are also working with Yukon Electrical Company Ltd. and the Yukon government to establish independent power producer and net metering policies and develop a conservation/Demand Side Management program.


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