The Latest on Our Biomass Work


Jul 16, 2012  Comment

There's some good news on the biomass front. We are working with four local governments, agencies and corporations to look into the possibility of a biomass project for Haines Junction.

The Champagne and Aishihik First Nations, the Dakwakada Development Corporation, Cold Climate Innovation of the Yukon Research Centre, and the Village of Haines Junction are collaborating with us to investigate the potential for a two to three megawatt biomass plant in the community.

If approved, the plant would provide some much-needed renewable electricity for the territory. It also has the potential to produce district heat and create economic opportunities for local businesses and corporations.

The preliminary research done to date shows this is a potentially economically viable project. As a group we are now hiring a consulting company to conduct a more detailed engineering and design study. The results are expected by early next year.

While this study will primarily focus on electricity production from the plant, the group hopes to find additional money to investigate the use of the facility’s waste heat.

The bulk of the funding for the $850,000 engineering and design study is expected to come from Natural Resources Canada, with the remainder coming from the five Yukon organizations.

Once the study results are known, we will decide as a group how best to move forward. The biomass project would undergo community, environmental and regulatory review before moving to the construction phase.


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