Yukon Energy is going on the road. Together with Yukon Electrical Company Limited and the non-profit group One Change, we are about to begin a tour of the territory. The purpose is two-fold: to get your ideas on what a Yukon-wide energy conservation plan should look like, and to provide you with some tools and simple ideas about how you can save money on your electricity bill.
We'll be giving away energy efficient products, will have some interactive displays, and in some communities we'll be accompanied by a walking, talking light bulb! If you come to our meetings we'll put your name in a draw for an energy efficient fridge.
Watch this blog for a detailed schedule (coming soon) or go to www.onechange.org/yukon2011/.
Photo from One Change's website.
by G.George
Conservation is the name of the game in most energy efficiency usage. We have been residential users of Yukon electricity for over 20 years. Two people in a usual residential home. In just the last 5 years or so we have reduced our per month kw hours of usage considerably by a change of habits. The high residential energy usage periods are Oct. to May. We got used to living in a lot cooler house which shuts off the furnace motor. It took a bit of getting used to but we’re fine with now. Saves oil too. Set hot water heater at 110F which is plenty hot enough, use no incandescent lights, got rid of the old style electric stove and oven and replaced it with propane burners and a counter top oven/broiler. Lights are turned off wherever not being used at that moment. At bedtime, as course of habit, pretty much everything is switched off that has a red light showing except the phone. Basically everything that is not required to be on that continually trickles juice is switched off. It’s become a habit. In times past we may have considered it to be penurious to do all these things but with the high cost of electricity in the Yukon we consider it as not letting money trickle away continually when there’s no real good reason for it.
Now, even in the coldest months we rarely use over 1000kw per month, if ever. We also have an energy efficient fridge and a small freezer. We even turn the internet modem off when not in use.
It’s all a combination of many things but it’s worth it in the smaller cheque we have to write to Yukon Electric everymonth. Just show your appreciation of our efforts by not raising our rates.
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