You might recall that during the summer of 2010 Yukon Energy hired a firm to conduct a series of phone and on-line opinion surveys for us. The purpose of the surveys was to get a sense of what the general Yukon public and local business and community leaders know and believe about the Corporation. The information gathered assisted us in developing a public information campaign aimed at helping Yukoners better understand who Yukon Energy is, what we are working to achieve, and why.
In early 2011, after carrying out one phase of the public information campaign, we did a follow up survey to see if the public's knowledge about Yukon Energy had changed. The results of the earlier survey can be found here and here, and the latest survey results are here.
Yukon Energy recognizes the importance of providing you with on-going information about our projects and the steps we are taking to provide Yukoners with electricity that is clean, reliable, environmentally responsible, and flexible enough to meet the changing needs of the territory. This blog is just one of a number of methods we are using to try to meet our goal. If you have suggestions about how this blog can be improved, or ideas for other ways of providing you with the information you want and need, please let us know.
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