As you are aware if you read this blog regularly, Yukon Energy's goal is to ensure that any new projects we undertake produce energy that is reliable, affordable, environmentally responsible, and flexible enough to meet the changing needs of the territory.
Projects that enhance our existing hydro facilities reflect these principles, since they displace non-renewable energy sources such as diesel without requiring as large a footprint as initiatives such as new dams. That's why we are considering an idea we call the Mayo Lake Enhanced Storage Project.
We are proposing that we be allowed to lower the current licensed minimum level for the lake by up to one metre. This would give us additional water that we would use to displace diesel generation. This newsletter provides more details (as well as giving an update on our Mayo B project). Once you've had a chance to read the newsletter, we welcome your questions or comments.
There is a community dinner and open house scheduled for Wednesday June 22nd to provide more information to the public. It's taking place at the curling rink lounge in Mayo. A meal will be served between 6 and 7 p.m., with a presentation and discussion from 7 to 9 p.m. Everyone is welcome.
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