Power has been restored to the remainder of customers affected by last night's power outage.
Thanks to everyone for their kindness and understanding last night and this morning.
Power has been restored to about 95% of customers affected by tonight’s outage.
Our additional support team from Mayo will be working on the last area - Front Street between King and Princess next. ETA is still about 8 am.
At this time, we’d like to thank everyone for their patience and understanding tonight, and our crews for their ongoing efforts.
We’d also like to thank Fire Chief Masserey, Mayor Kendrick and EMO for helping us share updates with the community; the teams at the Dawson City Arena and Robert Service School who opened their doors to provide warming stations last night; to the RCMP and staff at Tr'ondek Hwech'in and the City of Dawson who provided free rides for people to get to the arena or school; and all the other people and businesses who stepped in to provide updates and warm places for people to go. Dawson is a true community and we are happy to be a part of it.
Power has been restored to 80% of customers. Additional support from Mayo is also on its way to help.
The area between York and Judge and Front to 3rd is being worked on now. ETA for that area - about 60 minutes.
ETA for Albert Street - about 530 am
ETA for customers along Front Street between King and Princess - around 8 am
We thank everyone for their patience. We know this has been a long process and that it’s really cold outside. We just don’t want to risk another large-scale outage by turning things on too quickly.
Power has been restored to about 60% of homes affected by tonight’s outage. Crews continue to work on restoring power to homes and businesses between King and Albert Street, and along Front Street. They are hoping to have power restored within an hour.
If you have power, please unplug all non-essential appliances and unplug vehicles. This will help in our restoration efforts
We are working hard to restore power to all Dawson residents but are aware some people have lost power again. If possible, please reduce your electricity use so we can get everyone back on the grid as quickly as possible.
To all Dawson residents with electricity, please reduce your electricity consumption by turning off any unnecessary lights and unplugging any non-essential electronics. This will help to speed up restoration. Thank you!
Repairs are complete and we have begun the restoration process, however we will be restoring power in small sections due to the cold temperatures. Thank you again for your patience, we know it is cold and our team is working as quickly as it can!
We are currently experiencing a power outage that is affecting some customers in Dawson City.
As of 7:45pm, power may be out for another 3 hours.
If you or someone you know needs a warm place to go, the Dawson City arena is currently open, and the Robert Service School should be open shortly.
Thank you for your patience as our crews work to restore power as quickly as they can.
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