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Media Releases
Oct 29, 2004  Comment

Refurbished Yukon Energy Truck Helps Fight Fires

A Yukon Energy pick-up truck donated to a Whitehorse-area fire department has taken on the new role of fire fighter. Several months ago, Yukon Energy donated one of its fleet vehicles to the Golden Horn Fire Department. The pick-up truck has now been repainted, the necessary equipment installed and the vehicle has been put to work. Fire department officials say the truck has been a real asset to this year’s fire suppression efforts, especially during the high hazard days of June and July. Spokesman Kevin Taylor says that on one occasion, Golden Horn firefighters were called out to a smoke report along the Yukon River Road. The smoke was about five kilometres down the road and not accessible to the large pumper trucks. The pick-up truck was able to get into the site and extinguish a fire in a small brush pile. “At the time, fire conditions were rated high. Because of the condition of the road, the travel time and the fact that the pumper was too large to travel the road, this fire could have turned into a major conflagration in no time, threatening everything in its path including Golden Horn, Cowley Creek and the rest of the south end of town,” Taylor said. “With the help of Yukon Energy and the generous donation of the pick-up truck, a major incident may have been avoided.” “This came about as a result of a letter we received from the fire department, asking if we would be willing to donate a vehicle,” Yukon Energy spokesperson Janet Patterson said. “It just so happened that we had a truck that we were getting ready to put up for sale. Because of the enormous public benefit, Yukon Energy decided to sell the vehicle to the fire department for a dollar. In fact, the total bill was $1.07 because we had to charge GST!” Patterson noted that Yukon Energy isn’t usually able to donate vehicles, but in this instance everything fell into place to make the donation possible. -30- Contact:Janet Patterson                                                Communications Supervisor                                         Yukon Energy Corporation                                          (867) 393-5333                                                          janet.patterson@yec.yk.ca                

Media Releases
Nov 05, 2004  Comment

Yukon Government Appoints Yukon Development Corp. Chair

WHITEHORSE – The Yukon government has appointed Willard Phelps as the new chair of the Yukon Development Corp. Phelps is a long-time Yukoner with many years of experience in the field of energy. “We were looking for the best person for the job and we’ve found him,” Archie Lang, the minister responsible for the Yukon Development Corp. said. “We are very lucky to have someone of Mr. Phelps’ expertise and knowledge as chair.” Phelps is part of the family that started the Yukon Electrical Co. and has been involved in many aspects of the business. When he was leader of the Yukon government in the 1980s, he initiated the process to have the Northern Canada Power Commission’s Yukon assets transferred to the territory. Under the Ostashek government, Phelps was the minister responsible for the Yukon Development Corp. and Yukon Energy. Phelps replaces David Morrison, who is now the president and CEO of Yukon Energy. “I want to thank David Morrison for the tremendous work he did during his time as chair,” Lang said. “I look forward to continuing our good relationship in his role as President and CEO of Yukon Energy.” Phelps has agreed to serve a one-year term, allowing the Yukon government time to search for someone to take on the job for a full term, which is normally three years. As chair, Phelps will be responsible for working with the board of directors to oversee the operations of Yukon Development Corp. and its subsidiaries Yukon Energy and the Energy Solutions Centre. -30- Contact: Peter Carr Cabinet Communications Advisor (867) 667-8688 peter.carr@gov.yk.ca

Media Releases
Nov 22, 2004  Comment

Yukon Development and Subsidiaries Achieve Perfect Score for Environmental Stewardship

For the fourth year in a row, the Yukon Development Corporation and its subsidiaries Yukon Energy and the Energy Solutions Centre have received national recognition for their efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, the corporations have received a perfect score of one hundred percent for their environmental work, gaining them a Gold Champion Level Reporter Award. They share this honour with only about 150 other Canadian companies. The award comes from Canada’s Climate Change Voluntary Challenge and Registry Incorporation (VCR Inc.), a non-profit partnership between industry and governments across Canada. VCR Inc. was set up several years ago to help promote, assess and recognize the effectiveness of the voluntary reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Companies are encouraged to submit annual reports outlining the environmental work they’ve completed, along with a plan of how they will achieve their future environmental targets. “This title recognizes the highest level of achievement in the VCR Inc. Champion Reporting System,” VCR Inc. President Robert Flemington said in a letter to the Yukon Development Corporation. “You earned this honour by surpassing our most rigorous reporting standards.” “Environmental stewardship has always been one of the cornerstones of the three energy solution companies,” Yukon Development Corporation CEO David Morrison said. “To have that work recognized at a national level is encouraging and helps to solidify the Yukon’s reputation as a leader in greenhouse gas reduction.” Some of the initiatives that scored points with VCR Inc. include the completion of the Mayo to Dawson City hydro transmission line and Energy Solution Centre’s GreenHog Handbook, which offers energy saving tips and coupons for savings on environmentally-friendly items. The report that was submitted by Yukon Development Corporation is available on this web site by following this link. More information about VCR Inc. can be found at http://www.vcr-mvr.ca/ -30- Contact:Janet PattersonCommunications SupervisorYukon Energy Corporation(867) 393-5333janet.patterson@yec.yk.ca                               

Media Releases
Dec 13, 2004  Comment

Yukon Energy Asks Utilities Board for General Review

(Whitehorse) – Yukon Energy has applied to the Yukon Utilities Board for a general review of the energy corporation’s revenue requirements for 2005. However the energy company’s application does not include a request for a general rate increase.  Although Yukon Energy’s costs have risen since the last general review of its operations in 1996/97, the corporation is asking that it be allowed to use various deferred accounts that have built up, to cover those higher costs. If the Utilities Board grants the request, there won’t be a need for a general rate increase for at least two years. “We’ve made the decision to go to the Utilities Board for two reasons,” Yukon Energy President David Morrison said. “In the interests of transparency and accountability, it’s time for us to get back before the YUB. For instance, the Board has never had a chance to review the cost of the Mayo to Dawson transmission line. We feel that’s important. Secondly, without a review, Yukon Energy will have a revenue short fall in 2005 of approximately $1.1 million.” Morrison said while Yukon Energy can’t continue to operate under rates set in 1997, the utility’s proposal for using money from deferred accounts would give a reprieve from general rate increases in 2005 and 2006. Key components of the proposal include the creation of an Income Stabilization Trust, changes to Yukon Energy’s depreciation rates, updates to the Energy Service Regulations and changes to secondary sales rates. The Income Stabilization Trust is to be created from amounts that have been set aside in various accounts that the energy corporation cannot currently use as revenues. “For instance, we sell power for site maintenance at the Faro mine, but since 1998 that money has been accumulating in an account that we aren’t allowed to access,” Morrison said. “By the end of 2004, there will be approximately $2 million in that account and we’re requesting that the Utilities Board allow this to be set up as a trust fund to benefit ratepayers.”  As well, there are amounts available in the Diesel Contingency Fund, which is an account designed to cover the extra costs of low water. The current balance of almost $800,000 is not typically required when the Faro mine is closed. Yukon Energy is also asking to update the rates at which it depreciates its assets, which will help reduce its costs in 2005. While Yukon Energy is not asking for general rate increases, it is looking for adjustments in the amount it charges the Faro mine interim receiver and secondary sales customers. More than 80 per cent of current secondary sales are to government (the Whitehorse hospital, Yukon College and the Whitehorse Extended Care Facility). “Currently we are charging an unrealistic market value for our secondary sales. The 20 or so customers taking advantage of this option to heat their buildings are getting power for about 42 per cent of what it would cost them to heat with oil. We’re seeking to increase that to 70 per cent, which will still be a good deal for the customers,” Morrison said. “We are also asking to charge the normal general service government rate for power to the Faro mine interim receiver, to make it consistent with rates charged for site maintenance at other properties that are funded by government,” Morrison added. Switching the customer to a government rate will increase the amount it pays by about 19 per cent. Yukon Energy is asking the Utilities Board to grant these two changes on an interim and refundable basis effective January 1, 2005. Delay in implementing these adjustments for several months until all matters in the application have been reviewed will increase Yukon Energy’s revenue shortfall for 2005. “Overall, we think we’ve come up with the best possible plan for meeting our financial requirements while delaying a hike in general power rates,” Morrison said. “We look forward to discussing the proposals with the Utilities Board and other interested parties.” Yukon Energy plans to work with the Utilities Board to hold a workshop for those interested in intervening in the hearings, to help them understand the process and learn how they can make a submission.  Also available on this site: a summary of the application and the full application and supporting documents. -30- Contact:Janet Patterson                                                Communications Supervisor                                         Yukon Energy Corporation                                          (867) 393-5333                                                          janet.patterson@yec.yk.ca    

Media Releases
Dec 20, 2004  Comment

Yukon Utilities Board Approves Interim Rate Increase

(Whitehorse) – The Yukon Utilities Board has approved Yukon Energy’s request for an interim rate increase for secondary sales customers. Currently, the approximately 20 to 25 secondary sales customers pay 3.3 cents per kilowatt hour to heat their facilities using excess hydro electricity from Yukon Energy. Under the new interim rate, they’ll pay 5.5 cents per kilowatt hour. The interim rates take effect on January 1, 2005 and could be fully refunded with interest depending on what the Utilities Board sets as permanent rates following a public review in 2005 of Yukon Energy’s revenue requirements. “Currently we are charging an unrealistic market value for our secondary sales,” Yukon Energy President David Morrison said. “The customers taking advantage of this option to heat their buildings are getting power for about 42 per cent of what it would cost them to heat with oil. The Yukon Utilities Board has allowed us to increase that, on an interim basis, to 70 per cent. That is still a good deal for the customers.” The 5.5 cents per kilowatt hour rate for secondary power will apply until April 1, 2005 when the rate is expected to be adjusted to re-establish the 70 per cent ratio between the cost of secondary power and the cost of oil at that time. The Utilities Board has also approved, on an interim basis and effective January 1, 2005, Yukon Energy’s request to charge the normal general service government rate for power to the Faro mine interim receiver. This will bring the Faro mine site rate in line with that charged for site maintenance at other government-maintained properties. Switching to a government rate means the Federal government will pay about 19 per cent more for power at the Faro mine site. Yukon Energy filed an application with the Utilities Board on December 13 for a review of its required revenues. The energy company’s application does not include a request for a general rate increase.  Although Yukon Energy’s costs have risen since the last general review of its operations in 1996/97, the corporation is asking that it be allowed to use various deferred accounts that have built up, to cover those higher costs. Without this application, including the various measures proposed, Yukon Energy will have a revenue short fall in 2005 of approximately $1.1 million. Yukon Energy will hold a workshop on January 13, 2005 to provide intervenors and other interested members of the public with details of its application and the review process. On January 14, the Utilities Board will hold a pre-conference hearing into the application. The hearing will outline the regulatory process and the scheduling of events. It will also identify intervenors and major issues.  -30- Contact:Janet Patterson                                                 Communications Supervisor                                          Yukon Energy Corporation                                           (867) 393-5333                                                           janet.patterson@yec.yk.ca    

Media Releases
Feb 07, 2005  Comment

Big Changes at Yukon Energy Address Mayo/Dawson Transmission Line Audit

(Whitehorse) - The Office of the Auditor General has released its long awaited report on the Mayo/Dawson transmission line project. The report, which was released earlier today, identifies a number of problems encountered by Yukon Energy in constructing the line. While Yukon Energy agrees with the Auditor General’s conclusions that there were numerous difficulties with the project, the company’s president says steps have already been taken to address those issues.   “Yukon Energy recognized some time ago that we needed to make improvements in some areas,” David Morrison said. “That’s in part why we recently changed our capital project processes. A committee now reviews all capital project plans and makes recommendations to the board of directors for approval. Projects have detailed descriptions of scope and forecasted costs.” Yukon Energy has also developed new contracting policies and guidelines that have been approved by the board of directors. Yukon Energy’s forecasts show that the Mayo/Dawson line remains a good project for Yukon ratepayers, saving them about $20 million dollars over the life of the line. Morrison says the company has learned from its past inexperience. “The Mayo/Dawson line was the first major capital project undertaken by Yukon Energy. While the findings in the report certainly demonstrate Yukon Energy did not have the appropriate internal processes to deal with such a large initiative at that time, the measures we have already undertaken and those we plan to carry out shortly will ensure that the problems encountered with the Mayo/Dawson project will not occur in future.” In terms of future plans, Yukon Energy will arrange to have an independent audit done later this year of project management practices and procedures. A project management policy will then be prepared. As well, Yukon Energy is proposing that all projects worth more than $3 million receive prior approval by the Yukon Utilities Board. It was shortly after Morrison became Chair of Yukon Energy in May 2003 that the Corporation’s board of directors requested an audit be done of the Mayo/Dawson project because of concerns about cost over runs and construction delays. “Given the magnitude and significance of the transmission line to the Yukon, the board felt it prudent and responsible to conduct a thorough review of the project,” Morrison said.  A detailed review of the Mayo-Dawson project’s impact on ratepayers is part of public hearings set to occur this spring before the Yukon Utilities Board. Information filed for that hearing shows that the project will result in savings to ratepayers, and that the “break-even” cost for the line is about $52 to $56 million. Construction of the 232 kilometre line from the Mayo hydro generating station to DawsonCity started June 2001 and the line was commissioned in September 2003.  The final price tag for the project is currently estimated at approximately $36 million. -30-  Contact:Janet PattersonCommunications SupervisorYukon Energy Corporation(867) 393-5333                                                           janet.patterson@yec.yk.ca                    

Media Releases
Mar 02, 2005  Comment

Yukon Energy Becomes Member of the ‘Passport to Safety’ Program

(Whitehorse) - Yukon Energy has become part of a national program aimed at eliminating workplace injuries and deaths among young Canadians. The Passport to Safety Program supports and encourages education, knowledge and workplace-specific safety training for young people. It offers an on-line test to help make teenagers and young adults aware of their rights and responsibilities regarding health and safety, and therefore better prepares them to keep safe while at work. “Safety is one of Yukon Energy’s core values,” Yukon Energy’s Manager of Operations, Health and Safety Les Boisvert said. “It’s something we think about every day. We’re pleased to be a recognized Passport to Safety employer and to support the protection of young workers in the territory.” Yukon Energy will promote this program during the hiring process, and completion of the on-line test will be an asset to young people applying for a job at the electrical company. Apart from the on-line training through the Passport to Safety Program, Yukon Energy provides additional safety training to its new employees. Yukon Energy typically hires two or three summer students each year. To find out more about the program, go to www.PassporttoSafety.com.  -30- Contact:Janet Patterson                                                             Supervisor, CommunicationsYukon Energy Corporation(867) 393-5333                                                             janet.patterson@yec.yk.ca  

Media Releases
Apr 01, 2005  Comment

Yukon Government Extends Rate Stabilization Program

(Whitehorse) - The Yukon government is extending the current Rate Stabilization Fund (RSF) on an interim basis for two years. That means the government will continue to provide an electrical subsidy for businesses and residences during this time."Over the two-year period, the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources and the Yukon Development Corp. will undertake a review of the RSF program," Energy, Mines and Resources Minister Archie Lang said.  "They will make long-term recommendations about the future of this program prior to its expiration on March 31, 2007."While working to address a longer-term solution, the government recognizes the importance to consumers of knowing what their power costs will be over the next few years. Without the extension, the amount that consumers pay for residential electricity would increase April 1 by up to 33 per cent, and commercial and municipal bills would increase by up to 11 per cent."We also recognize that energy efficiency is an effective tool that can contribute to an overarching goal of reducing electrical consumption," Lang added. "This extension gives us time to consider new programs that could enhance energy efficiency and the role of the Yukon Utilities Board."The Yukon Development Corporation (YDC) will provide up to $9 million in funding to support the RSF program from April 1, 2005 to March 31, 2007.The Rate Stabilization Fund was established in 1998 after the Faro mine closed, to protect customers from substantial electrical rate increases.The Rate Stabilization Fund subsidizes customer bills so that consumption of the first 1000kWh for residential and 2000kWh for commercial and municipal customers is maintained at nine per cent above rates established in January 1997. - 30 -  Contact:      Peter Carr  Laurie Sthamann  Janet Patterson  Cabinet Communications  Energy, Mines & Resources  Yukon Development Corp.  (867) 667-8766  (867) 667- 3163  (867) 393-5333  peter.carr@gov.yk.ca  laurie.sthamann@gov.yk.ca  janet.patterson@yec.yk.ca       

Media Releases
Jun 03, 2005  Comment

New Initiatives at the Whitehorse Fishladder Focus on Kids

One of the Yukon’s most popular tourist attractions has opened for another season, with some new initiatives aimed at children and families. The Whitehorse Rapids Fishway opened its doors to the public yesterday. “The fishladder has always been a big hit with the kids,” said Fishway Manager Erin Spiewak. “This year we’re adding some programming that we think will make this facility even more enjoyable and educational.” Children will be invited to play games that will enhance their understanding of the cycle of the chinook salmon. As well, both children and adults will have a chance to take part in a contest to guess the arrival date of the first salmon of the season. Starting next month, the Yukon government’s Department of the Environment will offer weekly talks with local experts, on everything from the biology of the salmon to how to fly fish. “We’re also inviting both kids and adults to submit a new design for a fishway T-shirt. There’ll be a prize for the winning entry and the T-shirts will go on sale starting next year,” Spiewak said. Visitors to the fishladder will still be able to enjoy the things they’ve come to expect at the fishladder. There are four underwater cameras that allow people to view fish from different locations along the ladder. Aquariums inside the viewing facility contain a variety of fresh water fish including rainbow trout and arctic char. There’ll be elders’ talks and display materials that focus on traditional First Nations’ use of the Whitehorse portion of the Yukon River. Improvements planned for later this summer include new interpretive signage and brochures which tell the story of the chinook salmon and explain the role that the fishladder and the near-by fish hatchery play in maintaining the salmon stocks. The fishladder was built following the construction of the Whitehorse dam in 1959 to allow migrating Chinook salmon and other species to pass by the structure. It’s owned by Yukon Energy and operated by the Yukon Fish and Game Association. The facility is one of the principal tourism attractions in Yukon, drawing approximately 30,000 visitors annually. -30- Contact:Janet PattersonCommunications, Yukon Energy Corporation(867) 393-5333janet.patterson@yec.yk.ca

Media Releases
Jun 03, 2005  Comment

Local Students Benefit from Yukon Energy Scholarships

This year, Yukon Energy will again award several scholarships to Yukoners studying at post-secondary institutions. “These awards were started a number of years ago, as a way of showing our commitment to the people and the communities we serve,” Yukon Energy spokesperson Janet Patterson said. “There are a lot of bright young minds in the territory, and if we’re lucky they may choose to return to the Yukon to work after their studies are finished.” There are three categories of awards. In the general category, two students will receive $4000 each over two years. To be eligible, students must be studying full-time at a post-secondary school in Canada or Alaska for a diploma or undergraduate degree. They must be pursuing studies in the natural sciences, engineering, technologies, business administration, commerce or economics. This scholarship was made possible because of a partnership between Yukon Energy and its parent company Yukon Development Corporation. There is also a two-year scholarship worth $4000 for one Francophone student. The same qualifying rules apply as for the general scholarship, with the exception that the recipient must have French as their first language. Yukon Energy is partnering with the Yukon government’s Bureau of French Language Services and the Francophone School Board to offer this scholarship. A scholarship of up to $1,000 will be awarded to a member of the First Nation of Nacho Nyak Dun, and a second scholarship of up to $1,000 will go to a member of the Tr’ondek Hwech’in First Nation. In these cases, the recipients must be studying at a post-secondary institute for a certificate, diploma or an undergraduate degree. These two scholarships were established as part of the benefits agreement with the two First Nations when the decision was made to build a power transmission system from Mayo to Dawson City. Whitehorse resident Ben Craigen is one of the students who is currently benefiting from a Yukon Energy scholarship. “This scholarship has been extremely helpful financially,” Craigen said. “I applaud the efforts of Yukon Energy in providing such a wonderful scholarship opportunity to hard working Yukon students.” Application forms are available from local schools, admission offices, guidance counselors, the First Nation offices in Mayo and Dawson City, or from Yukon Energy or Yukon Development Corporation. They are also available on Yukon Energy's Web site by going to our scholarships page. The deadline to apply is June 30.  -30- Contact:Janet PattersonCommunications, Yukon Energy Corporation(867) 393-5333janet.patterson@yec.yk.ca  

Media Releases
Oct 07, 2005  Comment

Yukon Energy Produces New Learning Materials for Schools

Yukon teachers and students now have some new learning materials to use in the classroom, thanks to Yukon Energy.  The electrical company has produced a web-based brochure and a DVD, aimed at elementary school aged children. The brochure, with colourful illustrations and photos, explains in simple terms how electricity is created and how hydro plants work to produce power. The DVD, produced in partnership with the Kwanlin Dun First Nation and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, uses photos and narration to detail the life cycle of the chinook salmon. The DVD is available in English, and will soon be available in French and Southern Tutchone.  “At Yukon Energy, public education is an important component of what we do,” company spokesperson Janet Patterson said. “We have been encouraging classrooms to visit our Whitehorse hydro plant and fishladder for some time. This new material will provide students with a broader understanding of the kinds of things they’re exposed to when coming to our facilities.” “The Department of Education is pleased to have access to these new educational materials from Yukon Energy,” Minister of Education John Edzerza said. “It’s important to make what’s taught in the classroom both culturally and environmentally relevant to students—we appreciate Kwanlin Dun’s participation in the project.” The web-based brochure can be found at www.yukonenergy.ca/community/education. Teachers interested in using the DVD in their classrooms can contact Yukon Energy. -30- Contact:Janet Patterson                                                            Supervisor, CommunicationsYukon Energy Corporation(867) 393-5333                                                             janet.patterson@yec.yk.ca

Media Releases
Oct 20, 2005  Comment

Yukon Utilities Board Renders Decision on Yukon Energy Application

The Yukon Utilities Board has handed down its Order regarding Yukon Energy’s application for approval of 2005 revenue requirements. Yukon Energy officials are now reviewing the document to determine its implications. “While we need some time before we can comment in any detail on the Board Order, it’s obvious that the Utilities Board has dealt comprehensively with all the issues brought forward,” Yukon Energy President David Morrison said. “In the interests of transparency and accountability, it was important for us to get back before the Board for the first comprehensive review of Yukon Energy since 1996,” Morrison added. “Yukon Energy welcomed this process and we are pleased that the Utilities Board has now rendered its decision. I want to thank board members for all their hard work regarding this application.” Yukon Energy filed an application for approval of its 2005 revenue requirements last December, including confirmation of all existing firm rates. Oral hearings took place in April. The Board Order confirms and sets as permanent all current firm rates for residential and commercial customers. -30- Contact:Janet Patterson                                                 Communications Supervisor                                          Yukon Energy Corporation                                          (867) 393-5333                                                           janet.patterson@yec.yk.ca

Media Releases
Jan 29, 2006  Comment

Yukoners Urged to Conserve Electricity in Light of Week-end Power Failure

(Whitehorse) – Yukon Energy is continuing to work into the night to restore full service on its Whitehorse-Aishihik-Faro grid. A major outage on the grid at about 1:30 this afternoon resulted in a black-out throughout the system. People from south of Whitehorse to Haines Junction and north to Carmacks and Faro were without power for several hours. While most places now have their power restored, there are still a few pockets that are without power this evening. “This is what’s known as a catastrophic outage,” Yukon Energy spokesperson Janet Patterson said. “It began when one of our Aishihik generators when down. That put too much of a strain on the other operating generators, causing a cascade effect as one by one, they shut down as well. We were left with no hydro generation at all. This is a rare occurrence that tends to only happen every 10 or 15 years.” Because of the complexity of the outage, it took Yukon Energy several hours to bring some of its Whitehorse hydro units back on line. It also fired up its seven diesel generators. Yukon Energy is still working to get the Aishihik hydro generators operating again. In the meantime, Patterson urges customers to conserve electricity as much as possible during the peak morning and evening hours. She warns that if there is too much of a power demand, Yukon Energy will have to look at having rotating power outages throughout the area served by the power grid.       -30- Contact:Janet Patterson                                                             Supervisor, CommunicationsYukon Energy Corporation(867) 393-5333                                                              janet.patterson@yec.yk.ca