Update from the Whitehorse Rapids Fishladder

Community Involvement, Environment

Aug 21, 2014  Comment

It's turning out to be a pretty good run for the Chinook slamon travelling through our Whitehorse Rapids Fishladder. The ladder was built in 1959 to allow the migrating salmon to travel around the Whitehorse dam to reach their spawning grounds.

So far this year, 1,241 salmon have passed through the ladder. That compares to a total run last year of 1,139.

The run is slowing down, although you can still view some fish on our live web-cam.

Here are some photos of fishladder and fish hatchery staff sorting the salmon. As the Chinook pass through the ladder, they are inspected for size, sex, whether they are hatchery or wild salmon, and how healthy they appear. 

demonstrates Staff member demonstrates proper handling technique as she examines this male Chinook salmon.

This staff member demonstrates proper handling techniques as she examines this male Chinook salmon.

Massive Chinook male, just under 42 inches long.

A very dark Chinook salmon. They are sometimes known to turn black during spawning.


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