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General, Community Involvement
Feb 18, 2011  Comment

Trades and Technologies: Our Bread and Butter

Skills Canada Yukon is planning another territorial skills competition this April in Whitehorse. As in the past, Yukon Energy will be involved in this event. We think it's an important one for a whole lot of reasons. Trades and technolgies are absolutely crucial to our business. That's why, in 2006, we started an apprenticeship program for Yukon Energy. It was a way of addressing the shortage of skilled workers in Canada and the challenge of attracting qualified candidates to the North. Perhaps more importantly, it gave us a chance to offer trades training and employment to Yukoners. Since that time, about a dozen Yukoners have gone through our apprenticeship program in the areas of power systems electrician, powerline technician, and heavy duty equipment technician. Almost all of them continue to work for us now that they have their journey tickets. Two more are in the process of getting their tickets. We also created a new scholarship a few years ago that was open to Yukon residents entering a trade pre-apprenticeship program or entry level trades program in the following areas: electrician powerline technician electronics technician heavy duty mechanic industrial instrument mechanic millwright (industrial mechanic) machinist You can learn more about our scholarship program by going to our website. We're really looking forward to this year's territorial skills competition, taking place on April 29th at the Whitehorse campus of Yukon College. What's most exciting for us to to have the chance to show young people what can be achieved through trades and technologies. If you're a young person or know someone who is, spread the word. Hope to see you on April 29th. Photo credit: www.archbould.com

Media Releases
Feb 23, 2011  Comment

Utilities and Government of Yukon to Assess Energy Usage and Conservation Potential

Yukon’s two electrical utilities and the Yukon government’s Department of Energy, Mines & Resources are taking steps to learn more about how electricity is used in the territory and where the greatest gains might be in terms of Demand Side Management (energy conservation). A selection committee made up of representatives from Energy, Mines & Resources, Yukon Energy and Yukon Electrical Company Limited has contracted ICF Marbek to do a Conservation Potential Review. Marbek is considered to be one of Canada’s top energy consulting firms and is a leader in energy management solutions. The review will look at several areas: • How Yukoners currently use energy (i.e. what percentage of energy consumption goes towards heat, hot water, lighting, plug loads, etc.) • How much power would Yukon need in future years if no Demand Side Management (DSM) initiatives were implemented • How much potential is there in Yukon for energy savings through DSM initiatives • Where are the greatest gains to be made in terms of DSM The review will include residential, commercial, and government customer classes and will be further broken down by service regions. An analysis of government and non-government use will also be done. Information will be gathered using customer billing information, stakeholder consultation, customer surveys, and an external advisory committee consisting of some Yukon and some outside representatives from energy sectors and industry. Work to improve the energy efficiency of existing and future industrial customers will be done on a customer by customer basis. The work is to begin later this month, with a final report prepared by this fall. Contact: Janet Patterson Supervisor, Communications Yukon Energy Corporation (867) 393-5333 janet.patterson@yec.yk.ca Phil Borgel P. Eng Supervising Engineer Yukon Electrical Co. Ltd (867) 633-7069 phil.borgel@atco.com