Waste to Energy Reminder

Energy Supply

Oct 12, 2011  Comment

A reminder of our waste to energy/biomass/biogas workshop planned for Tuesday, October 18th at the Old Fire Hall in Whitehorse. The session will run from 7 to 9 p.m. and everyone is welcome.

We have been looking into the possibility of using municipal waste, supplemented by waste wood (fire kill or beetle kill) to generate both electricity and district heat in Yukon. We've just had a study done that examines the viability of using these alternative energies in the territory and we'll be discussing the results of that study at the workshop. There'll also be presentations from experts and you'll have a chance to ask questions and express your views.

To help you prepare for the workshop, or if you just want more information about our work in this area, here is the technical report and a summary for you to review.


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