Wind and Wave Action on Atlin Lake

Nov 15, 2010  1

Today's question: It's blowing 30 knots in Atlin today, with water over the breakwater! This is with the lake level down at least a meter from "normal" high water. Do you have any idea what it would look like with the lake at its "normal peak level"?

Thanks for your question. Wave action is definitely part of our research into whether the Atlin concept can actually be a viable project. Once we have gathered and analyzed the data related to wind-and-wave action we will share it with Atlin residents, the Taku River Tlingit First Nation and interested stakeholders.

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by Joan Oram

I know for sure that Mother Nature intended for the Atlin River to run freely and the lake to rise and fall exactly as it was created.
Mere humans should not even consider altering such majestic beauty and natural harmony to satisfy their greed for more power.
