Question: What costs will be covered if you get the rate increase you're asking for?
The last time we had a rate increase, in 1999, gas cost 60 to 65 cents a litre and an average house in Whitehorse sold for $185,000. A litre of milk was $1.39. The cost of living has gone up more than 20 percent since the late 1990s.
Yukon Energy is not exempt from today's higher prices. Like everyone else, we are paying much more now for diesel fuel, materials, parts, labour, and services. A rate increase will essentially help us pay our bills.
But more than that, the increase will allow us to continue our work of securing a sustainable energy future for Yukoners.
We’ve done a lot of work in the past several years to reduce diesel use and cut energy costs, including installing the Aishihik third turbine, Mayo B and the Carmacks-Stewart transmission line.
We've also done (and will continue to do) research into options for new energy sources. Research, consultation with governments, stakeholders and the public, engineering, project design and approval - it all takes money. But it's work we must do to ensure we have enough sustainable electricity for future generations.
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