Today's question: Things are expensive enough as it is. How could a rate increase possibly benefit me?
Thanks for the question. To give a short answer, I would say this increase helps insure a secure electricity future for you and your children. But let me go at it a different way.
You know that an older house takes more maintenance time and money than a new house, and an older car requires more care and attention than a car just off the lot. So it is with our facilities, some of which are now more than 50 years old. In order to keep them up to date and working properly, we need maintenance dollars. As with everything in life, costs for parts and services are increasing. So to do our job properly, and to ensure you have a reliable and safe supply of electricity, we need to secure more revenue.
A rate increase will also allow us to work towards new projects to ensure we’re able to continue providing Yukoners with plentiful, sustainable electricity at rates that, even after the increases, will be the lowest in the North.
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