Site Security?

Energy Supply, Safety

Aug 04, 2014  Comment

Today's question: What is Yukon Energy doing to protect the natural gas site against protesters?

Thanks for the question. Obviously there are varying views about our Whitehorse Diesel to Natural Gas Conversion Project, and if some people decide to make those views known by staging peaceful protests on public land that is their democratic right. Where it would become an issue for us is if any actions: 1) impeded the safety of our staff, the contractors working on the project, or the protesters themselves; or 2) endangered the integrity of the site, which is located on private land, or any equipment on the site.

We do have a security plan, which includes – among other things – installing a permanent security fence. We expect the fence to be put in place shortly. We take security measures for all our assets so, in that regard, the LNG site is no different.


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