Your Aishihik Hydro Facilities

Aug 29, 2013  Comment

Today's question: I was up to the north end of Aishihik Lake yesterday, and am wondering about your facilities along the lakes. I thought I'd seen a diagram/map of the dams, channel and powerhouse but can't find it on the site now. In particular, I'd like to know what Yukon Energy calls the main dam on Aishihik Lake and the little one on Canyon Lake (for an article on my site).

Thanks for your interest in our Aishihik facilities. The control structure on Aishihik Lake is simply called the Aishihik Lake dam, and the one at the outlet of Canyon Lake, just above Otter Falls, is called the Otter Falls control structure. There's some information about our Aishihik operation in this brochure.

It would be great if you would send along a link to your article once it's published. 


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